I just pulled him into a tight hug, I expected him to push me away, but No! He didn't! He may not be hugging me back, but this is enough for me! As long as he is here with me.

"I love you so much, Love! So much! Please stay with me! Please!" I'm begging him right now. I know this is a desperate move, and the old version of me will surely laugh at me, but I don't care about any of that anymore. I want to make sure that he will stay! I can't live without him! I just can't

I let go of him. He still seems distant and warry at me. I tried my best to smile and show him how much I was happy that he was here with me.

"Love? What do you want to eat! I will prepare anything that you want! I can do anything for you. Love! I admit I've never been able to take care of you, like how much you are taking care of me in the past, but I promised to learn to do my best to take care of you this time! I will be your anchor, baby! I will do everything for you." I smilingly said to myself.

He just smiled back at me and didn't say anything, I held his face and tried to kiss him like we usually do, but he moved his face away, so I just kissed him on his forehead. I smiled at him. It is enough for me! What's important is that he is here with me.

"I will be back, Love! Just stay here! I love you!" I smilingly said to him. Then I proceeded on going to the kitchen. It is my first time cooking for him, but I will try! I don't want to disappoint him!

I looked back before fully entering our kitchen, and I saw him looking all over the house like he was scanning the place.

I know eventually, you will come back to me. Love! I know you will! Please come back to me soon! I'm willing to wait for you even if it takes forever! I promise I will wait for you! I will!


A Week After...


It's already been a week ever since I got out of the hospital, and ever since the day that I woke up, everything for me seems to be so surreal and unfamiliar! I feel so weird about my current situation.

I woke up being married to someone I don't even know! He keeps saying how much I love him and how much he loves me, but I can't remember him. I can't remember any of the feelings he said I had for him. I can't even feel it. I'm starting to feel so congested and suffocated with everything! I want to get out of here and go back to my life! The life that I know and I'm familiar with! This is not it!

But how can I do it! Even my parent is pursuing me to do everything to stay and bear with everything! They keep saying that he is my husband and I have to do my best to do my duty to his wife, but I don't feel like it! How can I be someone else lover if I've been longing for someone else!

Hon! Where are you! What happened to us! Why am I married to someone else that is not you! Why? Did you let go of me? Did we have any problems? Did I cheat? Gosh! I'm about to lose my mind already! I'm getting more confused.

I can't help but ruffle my hair again because of my frustration.

"Dane! Gosh! What are you doing to yourself? Are you going crazy already?" My best friend, Jerah, said to me.

"I can't help it! I'm frustrated with everything! I don't know what to do anymore! I wish I didn't wake up." I frustratingly said to her

"Dane! Don't you ever say that! Do you have any idea how worried we are when we learn what happened to you! Do you want me to lose you? Your family to lose you? How about your husband! Gavin will be devastated if he loses you!" Jerah said to me sounded like she was disappointed in what I said. I heard his name again! Why do all of them is just concerned about Gavin? What about me?

"Gavin! Gavin! Gavin! All of you, Gavin! Even you? God! I'm sick of that name already!" I angrily yelled at her. I even smacked the table loud, making all the people in the Cafe look at us.

"Gosh! Friend! What is happening to you! Why are you so angry about Gavin? Did something happen? Is your husband not taking care of you?" She asked me

"Yes, he takes care of me! But at the same time, he is always around, making me feel more suffocated! I feel like I don't have my freedom anymore because he restricts everything! I don't even know him! I'm so irritated right now! Do you know that I have to beg him just for him to let me meet you here! He wants me to just stay at home while he can go out do whatever the hell he wants! He wants me to be stuck be at our so-called home! You know me, Jerah! I'm never the type of person who will just remain at home and do nothing! I'll go crazy!" Yes! I said it! I finally told the things that I had been keeping to myself. She seems to be so shocked upon hearing what I said

"What are you saying, Dane? of course, he will always be there for you! He is your husband, for Pete's sake! He is restricting you because he is just worried about you, and he wants you to remember him fast! He doesn't want you to go out because he fears that something might happen to you again! Call him paranoid, but he is just afraid! He goes out? Of course, he has to do that. He needs to work for his dad's company. As I remember, He was starting, so he still had a lot to prove! Can't you understand his position and just be with him" Jerah said, making me more irritated. She sounds like even she is siding with him! She is my friend! She should be with me on this! Am I the wrong one here?

"But he is suffocating me! You know much I don't like other people messing with my life, and he's been doing that for the past week! I can't do anything without his permission!" I said to her

"I will repeat what I said, Dane. It's because he's your husband! Of course, he will always be there for you! He is just concerned for you. Can't you appreciate his effort? I can see that he is doing his best to fulfill your duty as your husband. Can you." I didn't let her finish

"But I don't feel anything for him! He is a stranger to me! Instead of feeling happy and thankful to him, I feel so irritated and suffocated! Can't you blame me? I don't know him! He is not my Hai!" I said to her

"What? Are you still looking for Hai? My best friend, that is not right! You are married already!" Jerah said to me

"What can I do! I keep looking for him! Yes! You said that Gavin is already my husband, but for me, Hai and I are just starting our relationship! You know how much effort I put in to make him notice me! Gosh! Look at me! I don't have my long hair anymore! Hai is going to be disgusted with me! I look so ordinary! I want to see him! I want to talk to him! I want to know everything! I want to know why he and I are not the ones married right now! Why did I choose to marry someone else who is not him! You know how much I love him. Do you have any idea what happened?" I asked her

"To tell you honestly? I don't know! You've been so secretive to me about the reason why you two broke up. I was even shocked that time that you already have someone else! You never told me anything about Hai after you broke up, so I assume that you never want to talk or remember him anymore, so I just let it slide!" Jerah sadly said to me! I don't understand what happened! Hai and I are so in love with each other, but why am I married to someone else! then I am idea suddenly into me; I quickly held her hand

"Please help me, friend!" I asked her

"Help you with what?" She confusedly asked me

"Please help me contact Hai! Please me talk to him!" I tried to beg her.

"What?" She shockingly asked me!

To be continued


You know the drill, Mi-Loves!
Grip in something for the next chapter!

I repeat, this is just a short story so expect a past face kind of story.

Loves lots


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