A/N- Hi everyone! Thank you for the 100 reads so far! I am so excited to continue writing. Also, this next chapter was inspired by the song 'Once upon a December' from Anastasia. (Link in little photo box thing) Happy reading! :)
Marinette woke up, no longer in the hospital room but her normal bedroom. She lifted her hands to her ears, feeling the reassuring bump of the earrings. Adrien was doing the same. Excited to find Plagg sleeping on his spare pillow.
Were the villain and the coma just a dream?
The teenagers both transformed into their alter-egos, if anyone were to remember it would be their partner in crime, each other. The darkness of the night did not stop the, from searching for each other. And eventually, they did find each other, moments before losing hope.
They both cried, finding each other. Embracing in a hug.
"You remember?" They ask in unison. Chuckling awkwardly afterward.
"What happened when you re-awoke?" The red heroine asked her partner, pulling him from the hug and looking him in his eyes, her hands gripping his shoulders as if he say disappear at any moment.
"Well, I woke up in my civilian form- this may reveal a bit about my personal life, is that okay?" Ladybug nodded, knowing that as long as he didn't say his name his identity would remain a secret. "-and suddenly my parents come in... both of them. And that is weird because... because well-" the boy let out a whimper before continuing, "-my mother is... gone."
Ladybug was shocked. Chat Noir seemed like the person that would have a loving family. "I'm so sorry, Chaton..." she said embracing him, again.
"What about you, M'lady? Where did you find yourself?"
"I was in a similar situation to you, but strangely I woke up out of Paris." The cat looked concerned at this and boy he was.
Why would she wake up out of Paris?
Did Hawk Moth want her separated from me?
"It was all a bad dream though," Ladybug continues, "no need to worry. Pound it?" She asks her partner, extending her fist.
Chat Noir extends his fist to hers, "pound it." They both smile and Ladybug reaches for her yo-yo. "Hey, M'lady?" The boy had one more question. "How did you get out of the other reality anyway?"
The spotted hero thought for a moment, when her mother left all she could think about was the fact that Chat Noir was gone. The doctors voice suddenly slipped into her head, 'you should get some rest.' "Hm... I believe I fell asleep." Chat Noir nods in thought, remembering his heart begin to race as he slipped back into unconsciousness. "Goodnight Chaton, Bug out!"
The two went to bed that night examining the other reality over and over. Before they knew it, it was morning. Surprisingly, Marinette woke up first.
"Oh shoot!" The girl says aloud, sitting up violently. The white of the discomforting room made the morning sun extraordinarily bright. She found herself in the same bed she had nightmares about. "No..." she whimpered. Feeling around the bedroom. "No! No! No!" Tears water her pores as she realizes that meeting Chat Noir was a dream. Marinette lets herself scream and cry, most likely waking other patients but the girl didn't care. Her kitty really didn't exist... she never dated Luka and Adrien was never her crush and Alya wasn't her best friend, and Master Fu didn't lose his memory... the girl was rambling in her mind trying to decide what reality really was. Was it possible she actually did get chosen to be a superhero because she helped an old man cross the road?
"Marinette dear?" Sabine was trying to pull Marinette out of her panic, shaking her daughter lightly.
"Maman... what happened at the accident?" The woman sighs, wondering if she should indeed tell her daughter what happened.
"Well Marinette, we were crossing the streets of Shanghai." The woman inhaled as if the memory was something that haunted her... it probably did. "We were about to go to meet your new principal, actually." Sabine informed her. Marinette nodded, she had no memory of this. "You saw an elderly man-"
"- and he was about to get hit by a red car so I helped him back, while losing the macaroons Papa made for the class!" Marinette exclaimed. Her mother smiled weakly.
"Not exactly chérie. You did save the old man... yes. But not yourself. Also, I made the macaroons, your father was back in Paris."
"Oh..." Marinette says, dumbfounded. She wasn't going to deny her mother but she didn't exactly believe her either.
"Adrien, mon fils. Can you hear me?" Adrien couldn't help but smile at his mothers warm voice. Gabriel had some business to attend to so Emilie decided she could go see her fils (son) to see if he would wake.
"Momma!" Adrien says, embracing his mom in a hug. He needed a hug. The boy frowned when he realized what reality he had returned to. His lady was somewhere outside Paris. He let out a slight whimper and his mother swiftly removed her hands from him.
"Oh mon! T'ai-je blessé? (Oh my! Did I hurt you?)" His mother exclaims, bringing her hands to her side. Her eyes meeting his.
"No, no, mother! I just had those... never mind." Calling it a dream, would be a lie. This was the dream.
"Tell me, mon fils. What did you dream of the two years you were in a coma?"
"Well mère (mother), it was beautiful. But it wasn't a dream. It was real. I was a super heroine named Chat Noir. I had a partner," his mother was listening. Anything to make her son happy, "her name was Ladybug. Man was she miraculeuse (miraculous). She was- is beautiful. I fell in love with her."
"But Adrien... she isn't real." Emilie interrupted. She loved her son, but he couldn't fall in love with someone from his dreams. Adrien broke eye contact with his mother, hurt that she did not believe him.
"But mère... she is real!"
"But maman, he is real!"

Fanfiction"Where am I?" They both ask. Marinette and Adrien both find they have waken from a coma on the same day they face the hardest villain Hawk Moth has created. No one has heard such thing as Ladybug and Chat Noir. In this new reality Marinette also f...