Chapter 45: Swords of an Honorable Ruler

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'This is terrible!' Jaken thought anxiously as Yuki and Rin trembled beside him. 'If anything happens to Yuki or Rin, Lord Sesshomaru will have my head! Huh?'

He spotted something in the distance, and Jaken yelled in delight: "Lord Sesshomaru!"

They all looked up to see Sesshomaru fighting So'unga in the distance, when Inuyasha came charging in as well, ordering Sesshomaru: "Out of my way!"

Sesshomaru elbowed Inuyasha harshly in the face, forcing him away as he snarled back: "Move it!"

He then charged So'unga alone, swinging Tokijin back and forth as he tried to land a blow, but So'unga dodged them all as he taunted: "You disappoint me."

"A vulgar sword deserves a discarded arm." Sesshomaru retorted as he clashed blades with So'unga once more before his Tokijin began to glow blue.

Blue energy built up around them as Sesshomaru prepared his attack, but So'unga smirked as he mocked: "You cannot wield the So'unga!"

"Move!" Inuyasha yelled as he came charging back, shoving Sesshomaru as he lifted Tetsusaiga while snarling: "I'll be the one to destroy you!"

He swung at So'unga.

"That won't work." Saya said anxiously as the group below stared at the fight far up above them. "They mustn't attack him separately, or they'll never defeat him!"

He shook his head in disappointment, and Kagome's eyes turned steely.

Yuki foresaw her move and she warned: "Kagome-!"

But the girl had already gotten to her feet and she dashed off outside the barrier.

"Kagome, where're you going?!" Shippo cried, while Yuki dropped Rin and ran after the other girl.

"GAH!" Jaken cried, while Rin called worriedly: "Yuki!"

"Rin, stay there! Jaken, look after her, or I'll kill you before Sesshomaru can!" Yuki shouted as she followed Kagome.

The girl had stopped only briefly to gather up a fallen bow and arrow from one of the carcasses of the dead soldiers, before she rushed up towards a cliff at the edge of the rift of the dead, going to the point closest to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru that she could.

"Kagome, wait, it's dangerous!" Yuki called desperately, even as she fought the horrible cold feeling in her heart.

She gasped as she saw Sesshomaru dart out of the way, while Inuyasha wasn't so lucky as So'unga attacked with some kind of poisonous liquid. The half-demon barely managed to block the attack with his Tetsusaiga, before clashing blades with So'unga once more, and Yuki clutched her heart as she felt the call of the dead.

Kagome – stronger thanks to her spiritual powers – made it up the cliff just as Inuyasha was thrown back, and Sesshomaru darted in to fight So'unga. He clashed blades a few times before both leapt back as Inuyasha jumped in and thrust his Tetsusaiga down between them.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome shouted from her position, and Inuyasha turned instantly.

"Kagome- Yuki?!" He shouted, aghast, and Sesshomaru glanced back sharply to see said girl perched halfway up the cliff that Kagome was standing atop.

"I'm fine, listen to her! Kagome, tell him!" Yuki yelled as she kept her eyes squeezed shut, struggling to fight the call of the dead, and Kagome yelled at Inuyasha: "You've got to join forces with Sesshomaru! Please!"

"You know I won't!" Inuyasha spat back, and Kagome paused before she bravely shouted: "Sesshomaru! Help Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha's ears twitched irritably, and he yelled at Kagome: "WHAT?!"

Ice and Snow, Mind and Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن