polaroids and takeout food

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[TW: mentions of possible character death and child abuse, falling off a building, a singular mention of blood]

the metallic handle on your bag waved back and forth rhythmically under your hands, light music playing around you. that was until the number twelve illuminated, signifying the floor you were on, and the elevator doors opened.

"i still can't believe you made an entire floor your office," you admitted, the faint scent of ocean themed air freshener filling up your nostrils as you walked out.

"you say that every time you come here," pouted the man sitting behind the main desk, before gesturing for you to sit down on one of the chairs in front of him.

"i'll stop only when you humble yourself"

"touche" you both giggled.

you settled your bags on the floor in front of you, later rolling your shoulders to relieve some of the strain from the weight you had been carrying. sitting down on the chair, the silver details felt cool upon first contact. keigo's eyes were focused on you and yours on him.

"let's talk business," he started.

"what do you wanna know?" you interrupted.

"aw, are you thinking of being a comedian if hero work doesn't do it for ya?" keigo nodded at your glare, "yup, didn't think so." with a sigh he asked, " do you feel better?"

you followed your brother's gaze, leading you straight to your arm. the cast had been removed, and most of your burn marks were gone, the pain nonexistent. "yes," you smiled and he murmured a "good" before changing the subject.

"i made you a regime!" he excitedly looked around his papers, until he found what he was looking for and handed it to you.

"this... is my regime?"


"keigo, that's a stick figure falling off a building"

"... and?"

"and what i think is... you? if i judge from the wings, who is giving... me? a thumbs up"


you blinked a few times before looking at the terribly drawn picture, and then at keigo, and then at the picture again before finally focusing on him. "are you insane? you know i can't fly, right?"

"yeah, but listen, i got the idea when i saw you at the end of the obstacle race. you have great spacial awareness 'cause of your quirk, and i want you to see how low and how high you can get with it. also, this will help you work on your reflexes and, like, you never know when you'll need to jump off a building or something"

you tried to wrap your head around his logic. though completely unorthodox, it kind of made sense. it was a challenge you were willing to take, yet you couldn't help but feel scared. what if you weren't able to activate your quirk fast enough, or what if you run out of oxygen while underground? as if reading your mind, your brother extended his hand, only to softly place it on yours.

"you'll be okay. imma take us to a wall climbing place! you know, those with the gear and stuff, and have you jump from there at first. plus, this is only part one of your training," he chuckled at your confused expression, "did you really think i would have you jump off heights for five days? we're also going to extend the amount of objects you can simultaneously control"

"i'm good as long as i don't have to be seen with you in public"

"well, that's highly offensive! you wound me, (y/n)"

you stuck your tongue out at him and he playfully rolled his eyes back. this wasn't going to be so bad.


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