Chapter 5:Torture

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* 3rd pov*

Kaneki slowly woke up. He looked around realising that he's not anywhere that he knows, suddenly the patter of two sets of feet start slowly approaching him making him look forward to his captures.

??? :Hey hey! MR zombie are you awake yet?

The smaller one approached Kaneki more putting him on the defensive as the man leaned forward smiling evily.

???:Seems you are. Great! Now we can get started.

Now in the light Kaneki could clearly make out his captures features.

Ryunosuke:YA see Mr Zombie, me and my friend here have a hobby-

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Ryunosuke:YA see Mr Zombie, me and my friend here have a hobby-

Kaneki:And what's that eating shit!

After he said that his eye activated but his Kagune didn't come out.


Ryu:Well no it's not. The reason your little tentacles won't come out is because blue beard here gave you some food you hate!

Kaneki swore in his head at this, if he can't activate his kagune there's no way he'll be able to make it out of their smoothly. The larger one slowly moved towards Kaneki with a large grinn on his face.

Caster:Now I'll show you what exactly we do here...

(Heads up there's a lot of gore coming up, it's fukin Caster though what do you expect?)

Just then Caster Brought out a large collection of tools placing them near Kaneki, he inspected them before taking one and swiftly cutting off Kaneki's hand spilling blood everywhere.

Kaneki:AHHH! SHIT!

Caster:Were her to create the biggest 'COOL' we can, we haven't had much success with the others so guess what we're going to do!

Kaneki looked up at him before having his right kneecap shattered by A hammer Caster had picked up.

Kaneki:Uggh! AH...

Caster:We're gonna focus our efforts on you!

Just then Ryu came up behind Caster with a smile on his face.

Ryu:So Mr Zombie I've been meaning to ask, What are you?

He took a scalpel from the tray stabbing it into Kaneki's leg before dragging it down exposing layers and layers of muscle, fate and bone.


Ryu:are you now?

He smirked evily before stabbing the scalpel through both his ankles,Caster looked at him weirdly before he saw Ryu start to thread barbed wire through the holes and tieing him to the chair.

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