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UNSC FFG-445 Unknown Waters, Strident-Class Heavy Frigate

Carrier Battle group Malinovka

Location: Outer Colonies

Time: January 20th, 2558

0540 Local Time


3rd Person POV:

Captain Richard Maynard sat on his chair, fiddling with an old 21st century pen he has. He spun it in his hand, remembering what he had been through since the Human-Covenant war. His homeworld of Harvest, glassed straight to hell, his family, all dead; bearing the marks of the superheated plasma weapons the Covenant used. There was a reason why everyone had xenophobia here, and it's because almost everyone had faced a similar situation like that. A situation where their planets had been ripped to shreds, their families ripped and spread into the winds, being displaced across the stars and colonies.

Born just 15 years before the Human-Covenant war, he had a lot of time to see just what hell was waiting for them. The bad news always seemed to come, with hundreds of battles and defeats before the news of even a minor victory came. And even with a minor victory, the amount of casualties to achieve it was outrageous. Technologically and numerically, the UNSC was at an disadvantage. And all of this strife and genocide just because of the Prophets. What they called affront to their "gods", the humans were actually the reclaimers to the Mantle of Responsibility. 

This discovery led to the Sangheili to defect from the Covenant, soon followed by other groups, as they learned of the truth. Unfortunately, it was the late stages of the war, with a lot of damage and destruction caused by the Covenant. The outer and inner colonies had been glassed, the UNSC's navy was not doing so great, and humanity was slowly getting destroyed. Were it not for the sacrifices of Master Chief, Miranda Keyes, Avery Johnson, etc. Earth would be nothing but glass, the Human population exterminated. Hell, even the Covenant Separatists helped in the fighting. But Richard always never trusted them. He's seen them in combat, they are admittedly good. But there was a reason to never trust the Elites, and that was because they were literally at war; with humanity almost getting killed, before they decided to lend a helping hand. It couldn't have come at a better time, but many wished that it would've happened sooner.

This recent discovery of a unknown starship, two or maybe three times the length of an Autumn-class, and not belonging to either the Sangheili or the UNSC, raises questions, and alarm. Is there a third alien faction out there? Will there be another first-contact war? If so, how destructive will it be? How many people will die because of a crappy first contact scenario? These questions circle Richard's mind as the fleet holds position near the warship.  He pulls up the display and finally gets a good look at the ship. He internally cringes at the design. The ship had a aggressive triangle like shape, with two big twin towers, assuming to be the bridge, sticking out on the back of the ship. 

Now, Richard had seen some weird and sometimes stupid designs in the past, but at least those designs had their bridges more protected and they had an ample amount of point-defense guns. But this, well its like they're inviting the enemy to hit the bridge, and take out the ship's ability to fight. He'd wager that even a Mini MAC on a Halberd-class would at least be able to cripple, or even disable the warship, if they got a shot at the bridge.

"Whoever was designing this warship must've been high on something, or more drunk than a Marine private at a party."  Maynard thought to himself. He continued looking at the ship, taking note of any possible weak spots, and made Chimera, the ship's AI, run simulations on how the ship would stand against a MAC cannon or their coilguns. Needless to say, Maynard was happy to know he could at least damage or destroy this ship. He filed his findings and corroborated the information for the Admiral to look at. But he couldn't stop thinking on one thing: that the ship seemed to be damaged by some kind of weapons fire from a opposing ship. The whole triangle-shaped ship had burn marks the size of meteoroids on the white/silver hull, and there were whole sections of the ship torn apart by something. Whoever this ship belonged to is at war with someone else, and the captain really hoped that whoever they contacted first, they would be more diplomatic.

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