Why won't you listen to me?

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, None of this makes sense anymore. I have no idea what's happening around me. All I know is that something is different. I'm not sure what exactly that is though. Something is different. Something, about me.

I no longer feel bound to this earth. I feel as if I could do anything and go anywhere. I can't explain this feeling.

I turn and look at the water behind me. The smell of chlorene filled the air. I gasped as I saw what was in the water. I saw the body of a little girl. That body, was mine.

On the other side of the pool my brother was staring soaking wetat my body with a smile on his face. And that's when I remembered.

* Flash back *

Daniel had attacked me not two minutes after my mother left the house. I was in my room playing mario on my wii. He came to my room and stood in the doorway leaning against the frame.

' What do you want, Daniel? ' I had asked.

' You.... ' He said trailing off.

' What are you talking about? ' I asked a little creeped out.

' I wasn't finished my sentence! I was going to say, I want you....dead! ' He said before lunging after me. I screamed at the top of my lungs. He wraped his arms around my stomach. I managed to squirm away and sprint outside the house.

I ran all the way over to the pool before he caught me. Then I was no match for him, because I can't swim. He shoved me into the pool. He jumped in after me and held my head under water. Minutes later I woke up here laying soaking wet on the sidewalk beside my underground swimming pool.

* End of Flash back *

Daniel's phone vibrated and he answered it.

' Hello? Oh, hey mom. '

' Daniel, I will be home in half an hour. Please try and clean the house a little. '

' Okay, mom. I will. '

' Oh and can I speak with Aubrey, please? '

' Ummm, she's outside right now. Listening to music and reading. She probably dosn't want to be disrupted. ' He lied.

' Oh. Alright I'll just have to speak with her when I get home. Bye! '

' Later. ' He said before pushing the end button and button and stuffing his phone in his pocket.

He strutted inside and went to the laundry room. I followed him.

' Why did you do this to me??!?!?!?! ' I screamed. He couldn't hear me. I should've guessed that. I've never heard a ghost before, so why start thinking other people can. I'm so stupid sometimes.

I leave the house not bothering to use the door. (I wanted to test the theory.) I examined my body. I hated the clothes I was wearing. And now I'm stuck in them for all of eternity. Typical. Me dying and all I can think about is what I'm wearing.

I went back inside to find Daniel washing his jeans and shirt because they had gotten rather dirty from the chasing and the struggling. Mom will be home soon. She'll find me in the pool and she will have Daniel put behind bars. If only she would know it was him. She won't know. There's hardly any evidence. Let's just hope she finds out before he gets the chance to do the same to her.

If I could cry right now I would. I'd be blatting my head off. Daniel leaves the laundry room. Once again, I follow him. Once again not using doors. If there is one thing I like being dead, it's this. And of course when I'm finished with my 'unfinished buisness' that's keeping me here, Heaven. He walks casually over to the television as if none of this ever even happened. He is just too boring.

I float up the stairs and into his room. I thought that I might as well take this opportunity to go through his stuff. I go over to his closet and open it. It's locked. Good thing I can go through walls. I'm horrified at what I find. Tv screens. On the screens are many angles viewing my room. Has he been spying on me?! Oh, he will pay. On one of the screens is a reoccuring video. One that I really didn't want to see. It was when Daniel had attacked me.I couldn'tbear tosee what else he had hiding in here, I left.

I went downstairs to find Daniel in the kitchen doing the dishes. Wow. He's actually doing something mom asked him to for once. I'm a little impressed. Oh my gosh. Listen to me. I'm giving my murderer a compliment. Once he's finished he goes up to his room and puts headphones on. An aliby. Let me guess. He was in his room the whole time with his music full blast and the door locked and the curtains closed. So obvious. Mom will be home any minute.

(Door opens) And that minute is now.

' Aubrey! I need to speek with you! ' She yells ino the air as she opens the door.


What do you think? Should I continue? I know it's short but the next will be longer. Promise. This is just to see what people would think if I wrote this story. If the people like it, I shall continue. Please leave a comment. I'd love to know what you think! =)

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