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"Why are you doing this Yoo Jeongyeon?" Nayeon asked.

"Why?" Jeongyeon has repeated this a thousand times over in her head.

The taller girl grabs her hand, she hasn't really thought how to answer the question. All she can think of is to let her know that she's serious about what she's doing.

But then again what is she doing? What is this thing she's serious about?


"And how do you think that would work?" Jeongyeon asked herself and threw a tantrum in her bed.

"And how do you think that would work?" Jeongyeon asked herself and threw a tantrum in her bed

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Yoo Jeongyeon woke up early in the morning. Well, to be fair she hasn't really gotten a good sleep since yesterday. She keeps repeating what happened, thinking of things she could've done differently to make the situation better. Obviously, all this daydreaming resulted in multiple failed scenarios in her head.

"Great, maybe you really are meant to be a director instead of an artist. It'll be best for you since all you want is to get out of the spotlight." She said getting out of her bed.

The day continued like that, scenarios after scenarios. But no matter how much she reruns what happened, no matter how much she thinks of a solution. She still couldn't find the right answer to Nayeon's question.


The TV was on but there's really nothing in Jeongyeon's head. All she could think of was what happened yesterday. She starts to question herself more. Tries to argue with her conscience.

First, she has to think what's the difference between what she's doing now with what she has done previously. Then she has to come up with an answer to do that question. And lastly, she has to figure out why a simple question from Im Nayeon is hard to answer.



MN : "I hope you're on your way."


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