Ch 13. Sentinel prime: An eye for an eye

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3rd POV:

Slayer: Well, here we are......Sentinel Prime........

Satsuki: (This reminds me of Honnouji Academy for some reason.)

Ryuko: This is gonna be a cake walk for us.

Senketsu: I'm not so sure about that. (Wonder what the blood of a night sentinel tastes like. And a Maykr)

Slayer: Yeah........

Mako: Let's go!

The four made their way to the fortress to find the final hell priest: Deag Grav. Upon entering the building, they head towards an elevator that takes them somewhere as the slayer slowly remembers how he got here in the first place.

Slayer: ............

Mako: You alright?

*Flashback start*

A wounded marine was being dragged by the night sentinels towards the priests.

Doomguy: .................

Night Sentinel 29: We found him in the valley, just outside the castle walls. He was badly wounded and wearing this.....

The night sentinel gave the helmet the marine wore to the priest.

The night sentinel gave the helmet the marine wore to the priest

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Doomguy: ...guts. Huge guts! Kill them......must.....kill them all!

Deag Ranak: He still has fight in him yet.

Deag Nilox: Inspite of his injuries.....

Deag Ranak: Send him to the arena. Let him be judged like all the others.

The night sentinels drag the marine away.

*Flashback ends*

Slayer: I remembered this place.......

Satsuki: You do?

Slayer: This was where they found me.

Ryuko: Huh.


Slayer: What a fucking coincidence.

The four take a look around the place until the hologram of the Khan Maykr appears.

Khan Maykr: I offer you, oh great powerful one, a sign of TRUCE.

Slayer: What truce? I am not looking for a peace treaty. Not after what you did to this place.

Satsuki: There will be no bargaining you false god.

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