chapter twenty-four

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hey guys! I am aware i have not posted in a few weeks... wait, what? A MONTH?! un-boh-leivable. Anyway here is part 24. i hope you like it.


About a week later ~ Thursday 10:00am

I waited about a week before acting upon anything. I waited for a day when I knew Dean would be out working at the garage. Just me and Sam at home. I waved Dean goodbye from the window and quickly ran into the kitchen to find Sam, who had just sat down with a sandwich and a book.

"Hello Sam," I said, nervously, making him look up from his book, "W-what's in your sandwich?"

"Peanut butter, Nutella and mayonnaise," he answered, taking another bite.

I nearly threw up in my mouth, "And how was that?"

"Surprisingly okay," he laughed, turning back to his book.

I sat down next to him after grabbing a cold coffee from the fridge.

"Hey Sam?" I asked.

"Yeah?" his puppy dog eyes looked straight into mine.

"I was wondering..." shit okay Cas wow "Well..." oh my god "You know I love your brother, right?"


"And I've loved him ever since I met him, right?"


"I was wondering... if I could have your permission... to propose to him?" I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath of relief, only to open them to see a strangled look on Sam's face.

He coughed and coughed, eventually spitting up a great big wad of sandwich.

He looked at me again and let out a soul ripping scream. It was like a pterodactyl had been set free in the kitchen.

"SHIT SAM! What's going on? I don't have to marry him if you don't want me to!"

"Oh God, Cas! No! I want you to! Yes! YES! YES!" he jumped up and hugged me, almost smothering me.

"Sam?" I squeaked, "Umm... I need to breath. You know, breathing equals staying alive."

"Oh, sorry," he released me from his grasp, ginning like a madman, "Man, I'm so happy!" And then he added: "How are you gonna do it?"

"Uhhh..." I hadn't really given it much thought, "I'm not sure. Maybe you could help me?"


Sam and I sat on the roof coming up with random ideas.

"What if you rub peanut butter all over-" he began.

"Probably not," I interrupted, "Why do all your ideas involve food?"

"Dean likes food..."

This was hardly helping.

We sat for another moment in silence, watching our breath turn into smoke in the cold.

"Why don't you take him to the cottage?" Sam suggested.

I liked this idea, "Okay... Continue..."

"And you make a nice gesture like: leaving clues for him to find you. Like post-it notes or something, leading him to a nice place in the forest. And you can make it look cool with candle and stuff. And food."

"Jesus Sam! How does your hyperactive brain come up with such sentimental stuff?"

"You tell me..." he pulled a candy bracelet out of his pocket and started eating it. It was covered in lint.

Teeny Weeny Ever-So-Tiny Crush - Punk!Cas Destiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now