"Turn off your damn alarm." Bakugo groans over the call of a Kokoro. I painfully sit up and answer my phone, "What?" I just woke up okay?

"Good morning to you too Princess," Hawks says "Rumi was wondering if ya wanna meet up at Azi's then go shopping."

"What time?"


"Kk, see ya." I hang up and check for the current time, 0922. I got a couple hours, "What the hell was that about?" Bakugo asks. "My besties from work are wanting to hang out" I yawn, stretching a bit as I remember something "Oh, how did the finals go?"

"Fine." the boy says getting up, something is in his mind. "Something up?" I ask as I tile my head a little. "It's nothing damnit." he growls, "Bet." I respond standing up.

"You really want to know?" he asks, looking at me. I give a nod, he gives a slight grunt before "I had to fucking work with stupid Deku."

"Deku?" I ask, he's meaning Midoriya right? "The kid who broke his bones against Icyhot."

I him and nod my head "What's wrong with that?"

"ehe? It's Deku! And he had the fucking nerve to order me around a d then forced a retreat when we could've taken All Might down!" my dear boyfriend rant. "Not with that damn attitude." yup, I said it. "What the hell do you mean by that?" he growls.

"Easy, you're too cocky." I state "What if it was the real world? Some cocky is fine to get the villain piss enough to get 'em to mess up, but being too cocky to the point that you don't admit that you've met your match and not ask for help is what get heroes killed part of the time." run my fingers through my hair "Stubbornness is one thing, cockiness is another. I'd say you better start getting use to working with people you don't like."

"You're joking."



"Hi guys." I smile at my friends who were waiting at our (mainly my) table. Is it strange that I'm the youngest one of the group but yet the tallest?

"Azula!" Hawks grins before getting up and giving me a hug, which normally would be fine but that damn stab wound. "Careful!" I exclaim "I got stabbed last night." 

"Azula!" my male bestie gives a dramatic gasp "Why didn't you call one of us?"

"Stop playing the over dramatic-rooster Dad, Hawks." Rumi eye rolls "You know very well that Azula is the name of a Fire Nation Princess not a Disney one."

"Thank you." I laugh "Doesn't mean I can't treat her as one." Hawks counters before sticking his tongue out.

Yuki comes over with our food once I was sitting down next to Rumi. "So how was the dinner?" I ask as I eat my brunch of Soba.

"It was fun." the blonde smiles, "Wasn't your table full of Todorokis?" the rabbit asks knowingly. "Shsh!" Hawks press a feather to Rumi's lips "She doesn't need to know that."

"Bitch." Rumi laughs, now causing me to waste some of my precious Soba as it spews out due to laughter, hurting my side but I don't give a shit.

We finish eating, not without a lot of laughing, and decide to head over to Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall. "So are we going to do the usual Who get recognized first?" Hawks asks, the game is in the title, who ever gets recognized last or not at all wins, I am always the winner. "Let's do this." Mirko smirks as we walk in. As soon as we are in, Hawks quite literally dragged Rumi and I into a clothing store. I swear Hawks is the only girl among us.

"What the fuck dude?!" I laugh, "We are getting you some new clothes." he chirps before promptly before running into some hovering clothes.

Correction, it was a person; "I am so sorry!" Hawks exclaims, getting up then helping the person up. "It's all good!" they say, I think it's a girl? With her is a guy with a tail, a man with all white hair and a short Endeavor. Natsuo and Toya, since when did he loose his scars and went back to his red hair? My eldest brother looking more surprised than anything but gets more so, Natsuo joining him, when I put a finger to my lips and wink.

"Come on you two." Hawks says, dragging us once again "Fucking dumbass!" I grumble "I don't need new clothes!" but the bird still starts looking at a rack and ignoring me "Gurl, you always wear the same outfit everyday." Rumi says, standing off to the side. "Doesn't mean I have none! I just prefer comfort over my looks." I swear I can hear my brothers snickering nearby.

"How you can do that beats me." Hawks grabs a couple shirts as I shrug "Maybe because you preen enough for the three of us."

"Facts." Rumi remarks as one of his feathers thwack me outside the head. "Also Toya and Natsuo, you come over here." Hawks says, not even looking over at them.

"Damn those feather."

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