Chapter 24

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"Marinette, I still don't understand what's really going on here," said Sabine to her daughter as they stood with Tom and Luka in the back of the bakery watching the photographers who were practically pressed up against the windows trying to get a photo.

"I really am sorry," repeated Luka for the fourth time.  "I had no idea that this would happen."

"No one blames you," said Tom, putting a hand on Luka's shoulder. "How could you know?  How could anyone know that they would stay outside our bakery all day long?" Tom sadly looked at all of the uneaten pastries in the case, hating for them to go to waste. He would have been willing to just give them away so someone could enjoy them anyway, but the only people he could get to were the people who caused the problem in the first place and there was no way he would give his hard work and artistry away to them! "Want another pastry?  We have a lot of extras today."

"No, thank you," said Luka.

Marinette took out her phone and read the time again.  Only a minute had passed since the last time she checked.  This has been the longest day ever! she thought.  I wonder if Adrien feels this way sometimes when he's being followed by photographers?

"I think I see something!" said Sabine, pointing out front.

Marinette squinted her eyes, trying to see anything through the crowd.  "You're right!  Someone's out there!"  She started to head toward the door when she was stopped by her father's hand on her arm.

"Stay here.  I'll go," said Tom.  He walked over to the door and gave a menacing glare at the two men that were standing in front of it.  He was happy to see them cringe and move back.  As soon as Tom recognized who was approaching the door, he opened it.

"Everyone move away from the door!  A complaint has been made about an unlawful gathering on this property.  Anyone who does not want to be ticketed must move twenty five feet away!  Now!" said Officer Roger.  He watched the crowd reluctantly move back from the door, grumbling and complaining about their rights.  When the area was finally clear, he turned around and entered the bakery.

"Now, are there some teenagers in here who are waiting for their ride?  It's parked right out there," the officer said, hitching his thumb over his shoulder toward a car with very dark tinted windows.  "The man inside recommended putting these on," he said as he handed them some oversized hoodies and dark sunglasses.

Luka and Marinette walked over and accepted the accessories and then put them on.

"Marinette?  Will you be okay?" asked her mom nervously.

"I'll be okay, Mom," said Marinette and she went over and gave her mom a quick hug before returning to Luka's side.

"Well, then, how will you get home?" fretted Sabine.

"I'll give her my number.  She can call if there's any trouble," said Officer Roger.

"Then they're allowed to stay out there?  They don't have to stay away?" asked Tom, frowning.

"Well, there is some question as to what is public property and what is private.  Unfortunately, it's not black and white.  I can't really keep them back, but most of those photographers are usually willing to give me a few minutes when I ask," said the officer.

"Oh," said Tom.  "But, what about our business?  We haven't had any customers today because they can't get through."

"Now that is a different story!  Here's my card.  There'll be trouble if they are keeping the people of France from their baguette tradition!  Just call!" he said.

Tom took the card. He then quickly ran to the back of the bakery and put a few things from the case into a bag and then ran back to hand them to the officer.  "With our thanks!" he said.

Undiscovered Melody |COMPLETED|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon