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Hi, Oncers! Thanks so much for reading the first book of Elena and Pan's journey 😄💕 as I've said, there's going to be a sequel to this out today, called Saviour. It'll be available to read here and on - just go on my profile and it'll be there 📚 So here's a bonus chapter/sneak peek of the next book from its first chapter! Enjoy 😊

A year had passed since Elena, Henry and Emma had to leave Storybrooke, and though none of them remembered, the people of the Enchanted Forest certainly did. And among them, one boy in particular - one boy Elena would never have guessed to know so well, straight out of a fairy tale and into her life. She still wore the chain he'd given her, assuming it was something gifted to her a while ago, and since then she had always treasured it, though not really knowing what it was. The pixie dust itself was hardly working, since the land they were in was clean of any magic. And Regina was right - they were really just living a normal, happy life, in the large town of New York City.

That was, until Peter Pan himself, along with Hook, made their appearance.

Mornings went as usual - started at 8.15, Emma and Elena preparing breakfast while Henry watered the plants. Sitting down at the table, Emma slid a cup of hot chocolate over to Henry, who looked up expectantly.

"Mum, you forgot something."

"Right," she said knowingly, heading back to the kitchen, "cinnamon. Here you go."

Elena smiled and the three of them clinked glasses before drinking. However, a loud knock at the front door caught their attention, Emma frowning slightly.

"Someone coming over?" asked Henry.


Someone banged on the door again, Emma's eyes widening as she stood up. "Henry, Elena, wait here."

Making her way over to the door and switching off the radio, she opened it up cautiously. Her expression immediately transformed into one of shock and confusion as a man dressed all in leather and chains was revealed, alongside a boy around Elena's age, with tufty light brown hair and emerald eyes, looking slightly more normal, a green hoodie on and denim jeans.

"Swan," he breathed with a look of relief, "at last-"

"Woah," she cut him short as he made a move to come closer, "do I know you?"

"Look, we need your help. Something's happened," he attempted to explain, "something terrible - your family is in trouble."

"My family's right there. Who are you?"

"And old friend," he told her. "I know you can't remember me, but... I can make you." And upon saying it, he pulled her in to kiss her. She shoved him off her in disgust, and the boy beside him rolled his eyes and shook his head impatiently, craning his neck as if looking for someone.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Long shot, had to try," Hook groaned in pain, "I was hoping you felt as I did."

"All you're gonna feel is the handcuffs when I call the cops," she said in anger, glancing at the boy who stood beside him. "Kid, get away from him. He's crazy."

"Look, I know this seems crazy, but you have to listen to me," Hook persisted, "you have to remem-"

Emma cut him off again by slamming the door shut, and Elena and Emma glancing over the shoulders in worry.

"Who was that?"

"No idea," Emma said, still taken aback by the commotion, "someone must've left the door open downstairs." She sighed, looking back at the door before going back over to the table. "Come on, let's eat."

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