Chapter 23

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Ladybug was on her way home, feeling absolutely exhausted from the recent supervillain battle. The nap had helped at first, giving her energy to fight, but she felt more and more tired as the fight went on. It seemed to take forever to capture the akuma today. She was glad that she was just about home! But, as she was nearing her rooftop, she noticed a young woman on the normally vacant rooftop next to hers. She was never going to be able to drop down onto her own rooftop without being seen. She didn't know what to do. She stood still hoping one of her crazy plans she was so known for would come to her.

Nope, I've got nothing, she said to herself. I hate to admit it, but I need help.

Ladybug took out her yoyo and called Cat Noir. "Answer!" she demanded into the yoyo. When she had about given up, Cat finally answered.

"Admit it, you missed me, didn't you?" he said. "I knew you'd finally let yourself fall for me. It was just a matter of time. What was it that finally did it? My witty jokes? My overwhelming handsomeness?"

She could practically hear him grinning through the phone and rolled her eyes.

"Exhaustion," she replied.

"Huh? Oh! You mean I've finally worn you down and you're ready to admit you have a thing for me."

"Stop with the jokes," she said, starting to wish she hadn't called him.

"Okay, Bugaboo. I'm listening."

"Cat! I'm serious. I need a favor," she said. "Ugh! Why do you have to be so difficult?"

"Okay. I'm listening. For real this time. What do you need me to do?" he said, finally sounding serious.

"I was . . . um . . . passing by the Dupain bakery and I . . . uh . . . noticed someone on the roof.  A woman. I was wondering if you could . . . distract her so I could go check in on Marinette and her family. I know that they have been surrounded by paparazzi all day. I just want to make sure they're doing okay, but I don't want to attract attention. Do you think you can distract her?"

"Sure, I'll just use my dazzling smile!" Cat Noir heard Ladybug groan. He smiled, finding it funny how easy it was to annoy her. She really needs to lighten up sometimes, he thought, but said "No problem. I'll head over there now. Just give me a few minutes to get there."

"Thanks, Kitty. I appreciate it," said Ladybug.

"You're welcome. I'll be there soon," he said and then hung up.

Ladybug put her yoyo back at her waist and then waited for Cat Noir to show up. She wondered exactly what he was going to do.

- - -

Calandra was getting tired of waiting on the rooftop. She was starting to think that maybe she was wrong about Ladybug because wouldn't she have returned by now? She brought up a browser on her phone to check to see whether Ladybug had defeated the villain. Scrolling until she found an update, she then clicked on it to read: "Ladybug and Cat Noir have saved the city again from a—"

"There's a nice view up here, isn't there?" said a voice from behind Calandra. Her heart started racing at the unexpected voice- she didn't know anyone was up here with her!- and she spun around.

"Cat Noir!" Calandra exclaimed, as there was no mistaking who it was despite never having seen him in person before. "What are you doing here?" she asked.  She noted the charming smile on his face and immediately became suspicious that he was there to cover for Ladybug, so she turned her back on him to continue to watch Marinette's house. "Did Ladybug ask you to come?"

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