Goodbye For Now (Part 2)

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I woke up to the sound of George's phone beeping in an alarm he had set. It sounded like the boy himself was only slightly awake, judging by his breathing as he rested soundly in my arms. And leg, since I had apparently cuddled him so much that one of my legs was hooked around his.

I released him to go get my underwear on, brushing my teeth thoroughly before returning to his room to finish getting dressed. Despite the time I took doing all of that, he hadn't gotten out of bed.

"I just brushed my teeth for 5 minutes and you still aren't up." I gently shook him around in his bed. "Get up."

"I don't wanna. Why'd you let go of me?"

"'Cause you have a plane to catch in-" I checked his alarm clock. "4 hours."

He groaned. "Clay, that's literally so far away. Lemme sleep."



"Get up now or I'm throwing you out the window."

"What?" he giggled, reaching out his arms to give me a hug. I accepted it while still standing because I didn't want to give him more incentive to stay in bed by crawling beside him. Clearly, that had foiled his plan, because he tried pulling me into bed with him.

Smiling, I broke free from his arms and went over to his empty dresser to organize the clothes he had set out. "No more cuddling until you get your ass out of bed."

"I hate you."

"That's not what you said last night," I winked, tossing the (clean) underwear at him. It hit him comically in his face, causing him to scrunch up.

"Fine, I'll go shower."

He rolled out of bed and I soon heard the shower get turned on. Content, I took one last look around the empty room.

It was then when I realized how much the room was also my own. I had taken it for granted before, since we literally lived in it together for the better part of a year and even after that I would often spend a few nights in a row here. But now that I would never be staying in it again, it felt nostalgic to just gaze around.

Years of strange fixations revealed quirks in the smallish room. The baby blue walls have a few dents in places and the ceiling is slightly discolored above George's desk. The TV shelf retained its most important feature, the TV. Sadly, it was swept of everything else except a few pictures.

The most important feature of the room, however, the bed. Its plush comfort had offered me more than half of my nights spent asleep in the last 3 years, and even more so nights where I slept well. I'd have the occasional nightmare, but every time I was quickly calmed by the boy next to me.

Sadly, everything was now empty and bland. Even the bed that I had such great experiences in was soon to be left empty for good, which would be as soon as I got up. I shook myself of the bad thoughts and tossed on my hoodie, planning to give it to George as one last gift when we parted at the airport.

When George returned from the shower with a towel around his waist, I stood up and cupped his cheek softly. It was warm and soft, made even warmer when he blushed.

"I love you so much," I whispered, stroking his jaw with my thumb.

"Clay..." he mumbled, leaning into my hand. "I love you too."

"Can I kiss you?"


I brought his lips up to mine, our faces fitting together like they were meant to be there. Both of his arms were tossed around my shoulders while my hands had moved to gently hold his waist. We stood like that for a long time until George was the one to pull back.

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