I just shrugged

"I just need shit figured out before my daughter get here cause ion want her around no shit"

"Get it right for real lani.. we all been cool for too long!" She told me as she stood up and grabbed the broom, sweeping the floor


4:10 pm

"Hold still momma. I don't wanna mess up" azaria told me as she brushed my hair and I laughed

"My bad. Ima stay still"

"Okay now. I'm almost done. I just gotta put the past ponytail in"

She gripped my hair and grabbed a hair tie, putting the left section of my hair in a ponytail

"Damn azaria you bout to pull my hair out how tight you holding it"

"I'm sorry" she laughed "I have to make sure that.. that it stays in"

She finished putting my hair in a ponytail and I looked back at her seeing her laugh a little

"You look like me now"

"I do?"

She nodded and I grabbed my phone, looking at myself through the camera and laughed as well, hearing somebody knock on the door so I went to answer it and was surprised to see my dad there.

"Whatchu doing here?"

"I really need to talk to you"

"For what?"

"Is that granddad?" Azaria asked as she came over to the door and when she saw him she smiled, giving him a hug while I rolled my eyes

"Baby girl can you go play in your room real quick?"

"Okay" she politely answered before smiling at him again and headed down the hall to her room. Once she was gone I invited him inside and he walked in, sitting on the chair

"What did you need to talk about?"

He sighed and I crossed my arms

"I have another daughter"

Once he said that I just laughed

"At this point what is it? Cause every time one daughter stops talking to you, you end up with a new one. What? You put out ads saying if I slept witcho momma back in the 90's let's go get a dna test?"

"London.. I've known about Yasmine.. that's the difference"

I turned my head at him sideways "excuse me?"

"Yasmine, she's 17. She graduates this year.. I've known about her the whole time, dena and karma just didn't know and she doesn't know about them"

When he told me that, I instantly felt sick to my stomach. This man was beyond disgust

"I've... been taking care of her and her mother, making sure I do my part but her mother died and now she's coming to live with me and I wanted to let you and your sister know before you find out anywhere else but obviously karma won't speak to me so you'll have to tell her"

I ran my tongue across my teeth, upset now

"Soooo.. what you're telling me is.. I'm the ONLYYY one of your adulterous love children that you never took care of"

"London it's not like that-"

"It's not?" I asked him "When I first came to you you told me you FELT like there was a possibility that you had me with my momma. But you never checked. I lost my momma at a young age and spent my entire childhood practically homeless. And it's nothing against my sister or this YASMINE girl but IM the only one that literally had to get it out the mud on my own with neither parent and to be honest, I feel like if you never would've made karma get to the point where she didn't want anything to do witchu, I doubt you would've even bothered to know if I existed"

"London don't be like that" he shook his head

"Well too bad because I am! I've ALWAYS been your little rebound child when all I wanted from you was the relationship with a parent that I missed out on for years because I lost my mom! But no. You were too busy worrying about if Kay is paying attention when in reality, SHES NOT! And it hurts because all I just want is my momma but she's not here nomore and the only parent I got is just out here searching for replacements for every child he pisses off"

My dad sighed again, looking down but I didn't feel bad. He should feel ashamed of himself

"London, I'm sorry"

"Can you leave?" I asked him and he nodded before standing up, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket and sat it on the table in middle of the living room

"If you come around and decide you wanna get to know your sister, that's her number... I'm sorry" he repeated before walking out of the house and closed the door behind him. Once he was gone I wiped the tear that fell down my face while Azaria ran down the hall coming back into the living room

"Are you okay momma?"

"Yeah, I'm okay...um, you ready to help me get ready to cook dinner?"

"Yes!" She yelled causing me to laugh causing me to hear another knock on the door, knowing it was my dad again I rolled my eyes and went to the door to see what the hell he wanted

"I asked you to leave!" I fussed while swing the door open, however I ended up freezing when I saw Keyshawn standing there

"DADDYYYYY!" Azaria yelled, shooting past me to go jump on Keyshawn who picked her up smiling and laughing while I just stood there, looking

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