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───── ❝We have more in common than I thought❞ ─────

"Thanks,you don't look too bad yourself",you warmly smiled.

"I'm back~",just as soon as Tooru announced that, the food arrived. You all settled down and began eating.

Tooru noticed that you and Hinata were red and a bit awkward, a playful smirk grew on his lips.

"Hinata I hope you haven't been flirting with y/n",the brunette male sniggered, causing you to grow even more embarrassed.

You elbowed the side of his arm. "Stop", you lowly hissed at him.

He continued to cackle. If Tooru finds out I'm interested in a guy he'll tease me like there is no tomorrow.

An idea popped up in your head,"Okay then let's talk about you and Iwa",you placed your cutlery down and turned your attention towards him.

"Iwa-chan~ and I are on good terms I have no clue what you're talking about",he huffed.

"Okay let's see if that's true",you pulled your phone out and searched for Iwaizumi's contact.You pressed FaceTime,he picked up straight away.

"How's my favourite Oikawa doing",A slight smile tugged the corners of Iwa's lips.

"Hey! aren't I your favourite Oikawa!?",Tooru snatched the phone from your grasp and extended his arm up so you couldn't reach it.


"Anyways!",you tried to grab the phone back from Tooru but his arms were too long so you couldn't reach.

"hey place the phone down I want to talk to both of you",Iwa demanded.

"There's one more person with us Iwa",you turned the phone so it was now facing Hinata.

"Aoba Johsai's ace?",Hinata mumbled.

"Oh hey shrimp long time no see",Iwa waved. Hinata waved back in response.
"So do you still play volleyball?",he eagerly asked.

Iwa laughed,"no I've stopped playing after high school,I'm now an athletic trainer"

"Yes,Iwa-chan is really fit",Tooru added in."But I still don't forgive you for saying I'm not your favourite Oikawa",he pouted.

A long sigh went off the other line,"you are my favourite Oikawa",Iwa admitted.

"Ha! Take that y/n"

"I've got to get going now,I'll see you when you get back yeah?"

"Okay bye Iwa",you waved

"Bye babe",Tooru shot a peace sign at him.

Hinata also said bye.

Just as soon as you were going to end the call,Iwa signalled you to bring the phone up to your ear.

"I'm joking y/n you're my favourite",you looked down at the phone again, he winked before ending the call.

"What was that he said?",Tooru questioned.

"Oh nothing",you smiled.

"Hmmm okay",he eyed you suspiciously.

While eating, you and Hinata talked more. You got to learn about him and apparently he started playing volleyball because he wanted to be like the tiny giant.

"That's so cool! So you never gave up!?",you were taken aback to how determined and hardworking this man was.

Every single day he always had a ball in hand either practicing or playing in a match. By the sound of it,you probably guessed his life evolved around volleyball.

"i guess you could say that",he rubbed his hand on the back of his neck.

"..I haven't asked you yet,y/n but what position do you play?",he questioned as he rested his chin on his palm.

"oh I'm the middle blocker!",you proudly stated.His eyes widened in excitement it was as if it had stars in them,"me too!",he exclaimed.

"Quieten down you two",Tooru scolded before continuing to scroll through his phone.

"That's amazing",you responded.

"We have more in common than I thought",he grinned.


Well truth be told you and Hinata had many things in common. You loved volleyball although you've been playing for a short amount of time. You both loved the same food,drinks and you even loved the same anime.


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After that dinner night with Hinata you never saw him again. At this point in time you were leaving to go back to Japan with Tooru. Supposedly he was allowed to extend his break so he decided to come back home to visit Iwa.

"Y/n~ come on let's go",you both hurried out the airport where Iwa was waiting for both of you.

"Coming",you said glumly.

"What's with the long face?",he questioned you "aren't you happy to see Iwa?"

"I am I just...it's nothing",you put on a fake smile.

Tooru ran towards Iwa who was waiting for you both in the distance. You trailed behind him and eventually greeted him.

Images of Hinata kept flashing through your head.

Hinata why are you embedded into my head. I can't even think straight.

I can't even talk to you again and I doubt I'm ever going to see you again. Maybe I can see you on TV? Yeah..I'll do that, at least that way I can brag to my friends that I saw you,the most famous volleyball player in all of Japan.

Well it was fun while it lasted.

Well it was fun while it lasted

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