Chapter 2

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It was a rainy day again. Like always in these days Yoongi would imagine Jimin would come and randomly knock on the front door. And today was the same, he patiently waited for something, a sign, a noise, anything that would tell him that Jimin still felt the same way wherever he went.

He still hoped Jimin would somehow appear alive again and be by his side. He slowly closed his eyes and leaned back onto the couch letting out a frustrated groan.

It had been 3 years ever since Jimin's death, and he still couldn't believe nor let go. As he remembered Jimin's pretty smile and how it illuminated the darkest of the days. He swore he heard Jimin's beautiful giggle and a small knock. It could have been his mind playing tricks or the few drinks he had taken were kicking in, but he heard it so vividly that he convinced himself to get up and open the door.

Only to be unfortunately disappointed again. Nothing was there other than a small daisy. He didn't know why but he kept the flower safe. He felt connected to it somehow. He walked back to the living room and took the last sip of his drink before walking to his bedroom to sleep.

But before sleeping he cried. He cried his heart out. "Why Jimin?" That was all he said through his choked words. Maybe one day in the farthest future will he see him again.



~Again sorry for the short chapters. This is my first story, so I am pretty nervous. Please understand. Please send any feedback and constructive criticism. Thank you for reading.

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