Yet no one sees. My heart is breaking. I just want to be happy. I am fine, is that what the world wants too hear.

    I am not fine. I am broken. I am so sick of all of this. I am so sick of them telling me it will go away. I want to be happy like before."A sob racks my body and I collapse to the ground. It took me this long to realize my true feelings.

    I am not fine, I am broken.

    Rin picks me up and hugs me.

        "What can I do to help you?"He asks into my hair.

    I sigh. "Just huge me."

    And that's what he does. After a while he sighs and makes me look at him

"Marrigold what are we going to do? I don't like seeing you like this. It breaks my heart."

    I look at him. "I know let's play 20 questions. You ask me something I answer the question but so do you. That way we know more about each other and we can get closer. We can help each other out. Just be there for each other."

    He nods. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea." He smiles at me. "You go first."

   I think about it. "Tell me about your business, the one I walked in on. I know I can't answer this question myself but I would really like to hear what you have to say."

        "Okay."He takes a deep.breath the starts. "So it all started three years ago. When I was thirteen. My mom was really into drugs, and my dad wasn't in the picture so we didnt really have anyone to rely on when things got bad.

    My mom ended up loosing her job. And the bills started to add up. And no matter how many jobs I got around the neighborhood helping people out there never was enough to get everything paid.

    He shifts and looks over to the lake. "One day, as I was looking for another job in the sketchy part of town a man walked up to me. He asked me if I was looking for a job.

    Like a fool not thinking of where I was I said yes. He looks so happy. He took me to this whorehouse. I didn't know what to think. There were both men and women working there.

    Young kids and adults. He said I was a pretty boy and a lot of people would pay a lot to have sex with me. At first I told him no.

    I didn't like the idea. He gave me his number and said if I changed my mind to call him. Things started to get worst I couldn't pay all of the rent on time each month and they were threatening to evict us. So I called him. And I have been doing that kind of work ever since.

    Seeing as my moms no longer on drugs I hoped I could stop and she could work again. But she isn't stable she can't hold a job for over a week. So I do what I do, we are kept fed. I don't sleep with anyone. I just give guys release. I don't like it. I hate it. But it's a job."He says looking away from me clearly embarrassed.

    I take a deep breath soaking it all in. Okay, his turn. "Your turn."

     He looks at me, he nods it takes him a minute before he says anything. "Why did your parents get a divorce, and where is your Mom?"

        "My parents got divorced for a lot of reasons. Most not even I know. It sorta just happened. My mom. Well she died three years ago when my dad was still dating my StepMom. My mom and me had this thing where I would come visit her, just her and me for a whole week.

    On the last day of the visit we went swimming. After a while she got tired and got out. I begged her to race me to the bouye she didn't want to but I begged her.

    She finally caved in and did. But half way threw the race something happened and she ended up drowning. It was my fault. I never should have begged her to go out. But I did and now she's gone."

    Rin shakes his head. "No it's not."

    Just as I was about to say something my phone rings. It's my dad. I pick up the phone on the third ring.


        "Marrigold I want you to come home. Now. Me and your Mom need to tell you something."

        "What? Did something happen, is Cordel okay?"

        "Cordel is fine. Just come home. I will explain it all when you come home."

        "Okay. I am coming home."

        "Thank you honey. I love you."

        "Love you too Dad."



    Rin drives me home we sit in silence. When I get home I say goodbye to Rin and wave goodbye. As soon as I step in the house my Dad calls for me from the living room.

    I walk in there. "Take a seat honey."Him and my step mom look nervous. I sit across from them unsure what to think.

    I look at them both there holding hands. A nervous look on their faces as they look at each other then back at me.

         "What? What's wrong did I do something. Did something happen?"

    My Dad shakes his head at me and smiles. "We're having a baby."Just like that.

    A baby.


Hey guys!

This is Tabbie!

So I decided to write a little thing after all of the chapters now, just to ask all of you, my Perfect little angles, what you thought so far. And I want you to know.

Things are just starting for Marrigold.

Sorry if there are typos or if words are random auto correct hates me.

So I want to ask you guys a question if you don't mind. What is your biggest hope for Marrigolds future. What do you absolutely want to happen. Do you want a ship with Rin and her or should a new guy come a shake everything up?

Well that's all for now, I will try and update real soon!

Love you all my Perfect little Angles.





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