Chapter 11

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Sitting I watch my father walk around his office, my eyes following his ever steps. He rubbed his forehead in frustration, I knew this was about what happened yesterday, but for the first time it was not my fault.

It was her own doing to go on top of the roof and get locked in. I knew from the start that this marriage would be troublesome.

I had an important call so I stepped out, when I returned, I looked for Barbie but she was not there I asked her two brothers but they informed me that she was just there moments ago. I thanked everyone for coming and I set off to find Barbie.

Malinda stopped me just when I was about to walk hope in my car, telling me that she saw Britain walk out my guessing looking for me, but that was over forty five minutes ago.

After she told me this information, I wonder how no one noticed the bride pay was missing.

I pull Drew to the side alone with Barbie two brothers; we searched the whole church but came up short. We called her cell but her answering machine.

"She couldn't have gone anywhere it's pouring down raining." Her mother informed us with worry laced in her voice. We checked everywhere inside, then I thought of the roof.

Practical running up the stair, With Drew on my trail, we reach the roof top doors seeing that they were locked,

This was a good time to put my lock pick skills to work.

I look over to Denise, "give me a bobby pin?" I hold out my hand waiting. Once it was in my grip I got to work.

It did not take long before I heard the click, the lock hit the floor with a load thump, at the same time Drew kicked the door open.

There on the ground she laid her skin was a blue gray, as the water from the rain dripped from her eyelash.

"Britain," I say more to myself,

Drew ran to her slapping her face trying to get a response I take off my jacket dropping it over her body to warm her. In one scope, I picked her up bridle style, carrying her down to the car.

Her mother was right on my trail, "I think she needs to go to the Hospital." She goes on and on, "She will be fine Mrs. Knight I will take good care of her, I will have her give you a call when she wakes. " I did not wait for her to respond as I shut the door.

(Flashback over)

"I don't know what to do with you son," my father says sounding disappointed.

"Tell me son, because I would like to know, what is wrong with her, is she not beautiful enough, please tell me?" He waits for my reply

"Dad you really don't see?" I say

"See what son!" he yells leaning over the table. "Tell me what I don't see!" He hits his hand on the top of the desk more than once.

I remain quite, he close his eyes letting out a long sigh.

"Blake Preston Roberts, if you let that stop you, just because she's handed cape." What he just said rubbed me the wrong way, "You really care about your appearance, it make since that you took pictures with Denies and not Britten, he shacks his head laughing amongst himself "Son, just do not hurt her." that is all he said, before he dismissed me.

Gladly I walk to the elevator; my phone beeps notified me that I have a message. I look down at the message,

Message: I haven't seen you in weeks, are you coming over tonight?" I thought for a second and hit reply. 

Will he ever love me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora