chapter 1

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Walking into the café, I struggle to keep the door open, with a bag in one hand and books in another, when my mom sees me, she stopped what is doing, running grab them from my hand.

"What have I told you Brit about trying to carry things that you know you shouldn't?" hearing her say this I roll my eyes as she goes on and on about me hurting myself.

The door sounded and Denise comes through the door, as she put in her impute not make the situation any better,

"I told her Miss. M, but she didn't listen to me." She says placing the books on a nearby table.

Mom I can do anything just like any normal person can do just don't count me out because this one disability."

She sighs then speaks, "I know that honey but you make me worry for you." Every time she says something like this, it always sends me back down memory lane.

(Flash Back)

I had just turned five. Mama just had brought me a doll, with her very own dollhouse, that same day my brothers and I were playing in the back yard. My brother Paxton he saw daddy's ax, laying on the ground so he decided that he wanted to learn how to chop wood like him.

He and Maxton my other brother placed the log on the tree stomp.

I did not want to get in trouble, so I decided to go back inside the house, picking up my toys; my doll fell by the tree stomp, I went to reach for it. At the same time Paxton held the Ax above his head. I think the ax was heaver then he expected. As his whole body started to shake, him realizing this he let the ax fall, I do not know what happened. Maxton and Paxton were yelling to the top of their lungs. mama ran from the house ripping off her apron and wrapping my arm that all I remember.

(Flash Back over)

I'm pulled out my thought and back to reality when the little bell above the door "dinged."

My dad walks in scanning the bakery,

"Dad" I yell, making him turn in our direction, He frown his brow looking at the stacks of books on the table.

my mother walks over to him placing a kiss on his cheek, as he returned one of his own, "Pumpkin what is all of this, he questions, turning his full attention to me.

It now or never Britain, I give myself a prep talk.

For many years, I wanted to open my very own bookstore. Books are something that kept me focused through difficult times, I love them old ones, new ones and slightly used ones. They bring me a sense of calmness, an added bonus is that I will be making money of my own so my parents will not have to overwork themselves Just to pay for my medical bills.

"Well father I have come to the conclusion that I'm very reasonable enough to own my own book store." I lay it out on the table.

He was about to speak but I cut him off. "Before you say no just hear me out, I will have money coming in so you and mom want have to keep spending money on me, and it will keep me out of trouble and harm's way."

I finish the sentence batting my eye lashing.

His stays silent to silent, then he said the words that made me jump for joy. "Okay pumpkin,"

Bouncing up and down throwing my arm around his neck, I gave him a big hug.

"But," I stopped what I was doing giving him my full attention.

. "If anything goes wrong or if anything happens to you, I'm shutting it down understood," He states.

"Yes sir" I salute. He shacks his head at my silliness making his way out the door with mom behind him. I see Denise shaking her head also,

"What?" I say, but I could not contain the smile on my own face, "You are just so spoiled," she laughs, "I am not" defending myself throwing my hand in the air, "Bookstore here I come!" 


Mr. Knight, it is so nice to see you again, Mr. Roberts says, as he takes a seat, he gestures for Mr. Knight to take a sit.

"So have you decided?" asked Mr. Robert crossing his ankle over his leg leaning back in his chair.

"Yes I been thinking and I will agree if you grant three request for me."

Mr. Roberts uncrossed his leg leaning forwarded entwining his fingers on top of his Desk.

"Okay you tell me what you need and I will help you in the best way possible."

Mr. Knight looked at his hands as he fitted with them, I would like to buy the store that is for sell, on 5th street, it is for my daughter.

Mr. Roberts nodded his head, "that I can do, "He says leaning back in his chair. " And another thing, I would like for you to pay for all my daughter medical bills, and treatments," Mr. Robert nodded once more "Will there be anything else?" Mr. Robert asked, "Yes, and the last not to mention a word to my wife about this." Mr. Roberts once again nodded, "how is little Maggie doing?" he asked. "She's doing great." Mr. Knight responded.

" well I see that your all out of request, I will have my assistant get in touch with you later on today."

Mr. Knight cut in, "If it's not too much I do have one more little request. "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Knight but you only asked for three requests and that is what I gave you." Mr. Robert smoothly says. "But this would benefit you and I both," Mr. Knight Rush on to say.

Mr. Robert thought for a moment.

"Alright I'm listening, Mr. Robert says,

Mr. Knight lips his lips nervous kicking in, "I would like for your son hand to marry my Daughter."

Mr. Roberts was silent, and then he spoke.

"Mr. Knight with all due respect that is one thing I cannot request, my son is free to choose whom he will wed, I have no control over that. So therefore I cannot grant you this request."

Mr. Knight nodded his head in understanding; he was just about to leave when Mr. Roberts spoke

"But wait!" Mr. Roberts stops him, "But there can be another way." "Mr. Knight watches him take a cigar out his coat pocket and light it. " What do you have in mind?" says Mr. Knight

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