viii. tutoring-training session

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               "Why is any of this relevant?" Y/n pulled at her hair as she glared at the Katakana chart in front of her on the table

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

               "Why is any of this relevant?" Y/n pulled at her hair as she glared at the Katakana chart in front of her on the table.

                "That's a stupid question, Ackerman!" the blond man across from her laughed, his feet perched onto the wooden table in front of them, earning a faint 'feet off the table' from Aizawa who was attempting to heat up some food.

                "You see, it has come to our attention that despite the fact that this language you speak is the same as ours, it actually isn't... You seem to not know any of the three Japanese alphabets. It's kinda weird, actually..." Present Mic continued to trail off, though Y/n had tuned him out, continuing to pull at her hair. Of course she noticed this world used a completely different writing system than hers, but she thought if she stayed quiet no one would notice. It was a dumb idea now that she thought about it, she was attending a school after all.

                "...Anyways, the point is that you have to not only learn a whole new language now, but you have to learn about six other subjects in the span of five weeks. That's right! You have five weeks to learn something these kids have been learning for fifteen years!"

                 "It's impossible." Y/n shook her head, earning a soft slap on the back of the head by Aizawa who had put down the heated up ramen noodles in front of her.

                 "Not impossible. Don't think that way. Now get to work, you still have physical training to do."

                  Y/n rolled her eyes with a dramatic groan, turning her attention back to Present Mic who had  opened the 'Japanese 4 Beginners' book back up, getting ready to yell Japanese pronunciations again until it was embedded into her brain.


               Aizawa was surprised, to say the least. His chest heaved as he looked in front of him. His back was against the grassy ground underneath him as Y/n stood without a single scratch on her body.

"Woah! That's two for zero, Eraser!" Present Mic cheered as he wrote down a second tally mark underneath Y/n's name on a piece of paper. "Where did this kid even come from..." The man whispered to himself as he looked back up. A girl who claimed to be quirkless defeating a pro hero? Aizawa couldn't have downgraded that much since high school, could he?

"Come on, old man." Y/n breathed out as she raised her fists in front of her, ready to begin to fight again. Ignoring Y/n's comment (as well as the annoying laugh that followed—curtesy of Present Mic), Aizawa pushed himself back up, eyes turning into slits as he glared the girl down.

"What if I've just been going easy on you?" That was a lie. In fact, Aizawa had given it his all when their second fight had commenced, only for it to end with him on the ground again. Alas, he was hoping his words would shake Y/n up a little, hopefully knock her off her high horse just long enough for him to get her down.

"I guess I could say the same to you." Y/n retaliated, slowly beginning to circle Aizawa like he was her prey.

Aizawa glowered at her before pouncing towards her, swinging his fist for her jaw only for her to dodge it at the last second. "Are you really going to try to get a hit on me? A girl?" Y/n asked, using his own method of messing with his head to give her the upper hand.

                 "That doesn't matter." Aizawa grunted as he leaned back to dodge a hit, simultaneously bringing his arms up to block another bunch that would've landed on his chest if he didn't react so quickly, "This is training. And no villain is going to grant you mercy because of your gender. Terrible excuse."

                Y/n suppressed a grin at his answer, although she wasn't usually seen as inferior during her time in the scout regimen, in fact, she was known to be one of the strongest soldiers, right behind Mikasa, there were times the Military Police would look down on her, calling her a frail young girl.

                 Y/n straightened her back, staying in her defensive fight stance as the two continued to spar until their legs gave out, cursing amongst themselves every time Present Mic would make a comment, and yet, Y/n couldn't wipe that small smile off her face, she couldn't be going soft so soon, could she?



Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

i love eren so much i want to write him back in already 💔

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

i love eren so much i want to
write him back in already 💔

also i don't actually really
know the rankings of the strongest
soldiers only that levi is number
1 and miche is number 2 soooo for
the sake of this story mikasa will be
3 and y/n will be 4!!

also real quick season 2 aot spoiler!!
technically by the time y/n winds up
in the mha world, miche is already
dead 😞 sooo really it would be 1 - levi
2 - mikasa and 3 - y/n

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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