Level 1 - New Beginnings

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"Fate a cruel and hideous joke"

Y/n L/n a 16 year old student at Academy, the weakest student recently got yourself in a horrendous "accident" almost losing your life in a fight against Grimm. In hospital barely clinging on to life, the same life that wasn't gonna be the same once your eyes opened.

Arising from his 2 day long slumber there was something there to greet him.

Welcome Y/n
Main Quest One:
Get out of the hospital bed (0/1)
Get discharged (0/1)
Get home(0/1)
Small health potion
Daily Quests

The small panel was in the corner of his vision with "quests". This was brand new for him not having a semblance or even an aura this was new. There was no reason for him not to listen but he wanted to explore what this panel was it gave off a lot of video game feeling to it. He reached for the panel but nothing his hand touched nothing. Could any body else see this? Was he going insane did he his head too hard? But with all of his might he got out of the hospital bed with a lot of effort for he was prepared for the shock of his wounds but he felt nothing. There wasn't any pain. Looking down to the torso that was shredded from the fight was healed there wasn't even a scratch you wouldn't be able to tell he was in a fight.

Writing in Y/N's view from here.

Perhaps this was just me hitting my head too hard but I should at least try it out. Getting out of the bed felt like waking up in a morning, I felt energised. Placing my feet onto the floor a subtle ding could be heard as the panel appeared again with a tick next a "quest".

Get out of the hospital bed (1/1)
Get discharged (0/1)
Get home(0/1)

Even if this is some sort of way of my sanity leaving me. It gives me something to work towards and achieve which is nice. I mean not to mention the whole fact I'm getting a new start, a brand new start or more so a redemption chance and I'm gonna take it by it's horns . Making my way over to the desk, the gown tightly wrapped around my waist. I faced the receptionist, who quite obviously seemed concerned for my health, which I guess thinking about it really does make sense. "Mr. (Y/N)? You've awoken I see" I mean they were trying to keep their composure, but I guess more people cared more than I thought. "I mean, this is a miracle we need to tell the doctors, you've been asleep for 2 days with no sign of waking up and n-now you're just walking around like it's fine"

If anything it was quite funny to watch them stumble around trying to find the phone to contact the doctors, no body seemed to be ready for me to wake up. Letting of a calming to some degree smile, shaking my head. "I don't think that's needed I'd like to be discharged and sent home if that's okay?" I questioned, they seemed to be in thought for a few moments before agreeing with a somewhat displeased sigh. "You know that probably isn't best for your health, but if its what you want, Mr (Y/N)". Just nodding in agreement I mean I was way more hype for this as the time passed after seeing the rewards. I mean I'll actually get my aura and I've been working at that forever. Like if this is all true I want this more than anything. 

It felt like forever but the receptionist finally let you go, in this time I were able to change into some more reasonable clothes that weren't just a gown, quickly getting onto a shuttle to make my way back to your home where my family would be worried sick about me. So that'd be an awfully fun experience. The ride on the shuttle was silent since the sun had begin to set, there was a few shops open, as I watched them past in a pretty blur of colours, but it all came to a halt as the dust shop I was about to pass had a very loud bang, with it's window shattering  two people flinging out.

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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