"I need to get back to him!" Childe thought and hid behind the block of ice, when he arrived at the place, he began to panic when Aether suddenly disappeared. "w-where...where is he--- Ow!" Childe winces in pain when a pebble hit him, he turned his head in the direction to where the pebble came from.

"good he sees us" Diluc mumbled and glared at Childe, he was able to get in, inside the blizzard thanks to the help of Zhongli but he was the only one who entered while Zhongli and Kaeya were left behind to fight the other fatuis'.

Childe sigh in relief before he gave Diluc a nod, as he mouthed, "take care of him", Diluc understood what Childe said, Diluc nodded back causing Childe to smile, he soon left once Signora began to initiate another attack, "almost...just keep yourself warm" Diluc said to Aether who was still shivering, Diluc used his flames to melt the ice that almost covered his whole body.

"you're going to be fine..."

Childe threw his hydro vision polearm straight at her but Signora lift her finger causing his weapon to freeze and drops on the cold ground as it broke into pieces, Childe clicks his tongue, he was running out of options already, he tried to attack her blind spots but because Signora was sharp enough to notice his attacks, he failed.

"time to switch..." Childe mumbled as he put on his fatui mask, and since he was a dual wielder of two visions, Childe immediately switch to electro, "WHERE ARE YOU HIDING!" Signora yelled as her laughter could be heard, Childe clicks his tongue and left his hiding place and charged towards Signora who had a wide grin.


Signora exclaimed and immediately snap her fingers as ice in the shape of a sword appeared out of thin air, Childe continued to run towards her, he grips on his electro polearm. Signora hated his confidence, she clicks her tongue and with her command, the sword went straight flying towards Childe.

Fortunately, Childe dodges the sword by jumping above it, Signora gasp when she saw Childe was already in front of her, "You're all talk and no bark!" Childe exclaimed before he pierced her with his electro polearm, Signora yelled in pain as Childe deepens it, "I always knew that his delusions were powerful...but...it wasn't this strong the last time I saw him figh--- AHHHH!!!" Signora's thoughts were interrupted when Childe electrocuted her which doubles the pain, Childe could only look at her without taking any pity, he wanted revenge for what they did to Aether. He thought that the death of Signora would be the only thing that could satisfy his anger but when he remembered Aether,  he held himself back because he wanted to change for the better even though Childe knew that he could no longer go back to his innocent days.

Once Childe was satisfied from seeing her go through pain, he went back to his original form, when the blizzard slowly died down, Zhongli and Kaeya immediately came to the scene and was shocked to see Childe standing in front of Signora who only fainted due to blood loss, she was fortunate enough that Childe did not kill her.

When Childe turned around, his heart clenched when he saw Aether trying to walk towards him, "I TOLD YOU NOT GET TO HURT DIDN'T I?" Aether yelled as he took another step, his legs wobbled as Diluc tried to help him, Aether's lips quivered when he saw scratches all over his body and some that were still bleeding.

Childe chuckle, he couldn't care less about what condition he was in, he was happy enough to see Aether. "Are you even listen--" Aether was interrupted when Childe pulled him for a hug,  he was shocked at first but when he heard Childe's silent sobs, he ended up crying too.

Diluc sigh in relief, he turned around and saw Zhongli sitting on top of a pile of bodies while telling them a story about his war days, "all that's left is for us to go home" Kaeya said and stood beside Diluc who could only glare at him.

"Don't even breath next to me." Diluc said and immediately walk away, Kaeya giggled, "same old, same old...now then...it seems these two lovers are in their own world," Kaeya said as a smile formed around his lips when he saw Childe and Aether still hugging.

"The ship is gone...what are we going to do now?"

Aether said as the five of them gathered, Childe then decided to step in, "not to worry I have mora, I might still be able to find a shi--" Childe said and brought out his wallet but he was interrupted when Diluc shoved him away.

"We don't need your filthy mora...Aether if you still feel tired I can always carry you." Diluc said as his tone towards Childe change once he was already talking to Aether, Childe gritted his teeth and shove him back.



Aether could only facepalm as he watches the two fight, "oya, oya, what are we going to do now?" Kaeya said and glance at Zhongli who came down from the pile of bodies, "I may not have mora but we can still leave Snezhnaya without any casualties,"  Zhongli said smiling at all of them gently and it was as if all of them have seen the divine grace of an archon.

"what do you mean by no casualties?"

Aether said as he tilted his head from the side, Zhongli giggled and pat his head.

"by flying, I am still a dragon after all."


Oof sorry for the Signora wanters :') 

I'm not very good at actions and stuff but I will try to improve :')

Now the problem is gone :') time for some sweet, fluffy moments of Childe x Aether.

Here we are Again || Childe x Aether|| Genshin Impact ||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя