F O R T Y - T H R E E

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I groaned "Can we not do this now?" 

"Do what?" My favorite women in the world said at the exact same time. 

"Do this" I pointed at them "Whatever it is that you guys do in order to spare my feelings." 

I looked at Mom "I know Nana despises Dad." 

I then looked at my Nana "I know you hate Dad but you also have to understand the fact that while I love you to death, he is still my Dad. He deserves more respect than what you give him." 

Both my Mother and Nana gaped at my words. 

 "I'm going to go explore the woods for awhile" I hitched a thumb over my shoulder "So fix whatever you two have to fix before I come back so that this vacation doesn't make me want to pull my hair out and go home." 

Before they could say anything else, I walked into the woods with Shadow appearing at my side.

I rubbed his head and black flames fell from his mouth as he let out a growl. 

I grinned down at him and headed north, wondering if I could practice my powers in the open field that boards my Nana's property and the neighboring one. 

I was thinking about the best way to get there when a high pitched squeal came from the right. 

A squeal that was so high pitched it nearly busted my ear drums. 

I looked down at Shadow and nodded for him to go left and surround the perimeter. 

He disappeared in a puff of smoke as I went to go investigate the noise further. 

What I found amused me greatly. 

 I called Shadow off as soon as I saw him creeping behind the source of my amusement. 

A girl, about a few years younger than I, was squatted down at a small creek staring excitedly at a frog. 

A particularly ugly frog that was missing an eye and looked like it had seen better days. 

"Mr. Ribbers!" She squealed, watching the frog jump from one stone to the other in the shallow creek.

I laughed quietly when I saw said frog trying to hop away from the girl as fast as his slimy little legs could take him. 

She was almost caught up to him when her small foot caught the edge of a stone in the creek. 

I watched as close her eyes, probably accepting the fact that she was about to fall, and reacted. 

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