✿Chapter 1: Decisions✿

Start from the beginning

"Get in here!" Rapunzel grinned, the woman seemed shocked, "So nice to meet you!" The woman stared off into space before trying to regain her composure. She glanced up at the king and he sent her a sorry expression. Rapunzel waved as the woman walked away, your mom took a step forward, pulling Rapunzel back to her spot.

Your father leaned slightly towards Rapunzel, "Um... Perhaps you should refrain from the bear hugs, sweetheart."

Rapunzel gasped, "Oh, no bear hugs... Gotcha. Sorry." She turned back towards the next carriage.

"I present, Lieutenant Commander General James Rutherford-Carver III." You snickered once more, this time leaning back to Cassandra.

She leaned forward to hear you, "Where did he get all those medals? The supply closet?" You heard her snicker before she lightly pushed you forward, trying to tell you to stay focused.

Rapunzel smiled at the man, "Whooh. That's kind of a mouthful. Is it okay if I call you Jimmy?" She sure had a lot to learn about being a princess.

"I'd prefer you didn't." The man said, walking away.

"Well, uh... welcome all the same then." She said before sighing once more.

The footman spoke again, "I present The Duchess of Quintonia." Rapunzel glanced up at the woman's wig.

"Wow! Can I just say, I love your hair! I used to have really long hair too-" Rapunzel was cut off by the powder-faced woman.

"This is a hand-woven coiffure, weft from the finest silk and vicuña fabrics. It designated high social status. You think you'd know that." The woman waved her fan in front of her face.

Rapunzel's voice became a little sadder, "Uh... still, nice to meet you."

"Sadly, not nice enough to wear shoes, I'm afraid." The Duchess laughed, "Really."

You glared at the woman as she walked away, you were prepared to fight her, before you could take a step forward you felt a hand holding the back of your dress. Cassandra was holding you back. Though she shared the same expression as you.

Rapunzel looked down sadly before your mom put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, "Sorry." She said, looking up at your father.


You laid down in your bed, letting out a sigh and looking up at the constellations sewn into your bed canopy. There was still more to the coronation ahead, and you hoped that people would warm up to Rapunzel. Sure she wasn't as regal as the others but she was still a good person. Just because she's a little different doesn't make her weird. You rolled over and snuggled underneath your blankets, hoping to get a good night's sleep.


You were practically bouncing with joy, your parents were letting you go to town with Rapunzel! The footman from earlier blew into a trumpet and started announcing, "The Princesses Rapunzel and (Y/N) will spend their day about town!" Rapunzel looped your arm into hers. You two were about to start walking but the guards pressed the two of you together. You could hardly walk anywhere. Rapunzel glanced over at the butcher and waved, he waved back with his knife before being immediately tackled by a guard.

Rapunzel and you reached out to shake hands with the people of Corona but the guards slapped the people's hands away. You frowned, you had been hoping for something more fun than this. You and Rapunzel stopped in front of a fire-thrower. He spun the torch before blowing into it, it streaked in front of both your and Rapunzel's faces.

"Cool!" You said before the fire was put out by a guard, absolutely soaking the man. You and Rapunzel sighed before turning and seeing four girls sitting on the fountain, the girls waved to Rapunzel. You assumed they had met before. Rapunzel waved to the girls before running forward, hoping to braid her hair. Instead one of the guards sat down, pulling out the girl's hair, trying to braid it.

I Hear A Symphony ✔ •Varian X Reader•Where stories live. Discover now