Chapter 20

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Luka was arranging the guitar stands and amps on the makeshift stage of the houseboat while keeping one eye on Marinette who was rushing around trying to make sure everything was perfect for the Kitty Section concert. He knew she had concocted this plan so that she would have something to throw herself into and not think about the fact that he had to leave in a few weeks. The rest of the band hadn't been too happy at first to hear that he was leaving either, but none of them could blame him for jumping at the opportunity to go on tour with Jagged Stone. Since Jagged being his father was still a secret, he was grateful no one pressed him too much on how he managed to land such a great gig as he didn't want to lie to anyone. Jagged had come over earlier in the week to talk to Anarka about the possibility of Juleka going on tour, too, but luckily Juleka came home right before Anarka was about to push Jagged into the river. Juleka saved him from getting wet when she said she didn't want to leave her friends and school. Or face the crowds. So, Anarka had let Jagged leave unscathed.

"I posted the concert info on our website and then on our social media pages," Rose informed Marinette as Marinette nodded and checked off her list. "So, I hope we get a good crowd tonight! Maybe there will even be too many people for the boat and the crowd will spill over onto the bank. I hope that a police officer won't come and shut us down, though," said Rose with a frown. "Do we need some kind of permit for this?"

Marinette shrugged. "I guess we'll find out later. Maybe if Sabrina shows up she can keep her father from giving us a ticket? Where's Ivan?" she asked Rose, looking around for their drummer. "I need him to help me move that furniture over to make some more room near the stage."

"There he is!" said Rose, pointing to the railing on the riverside of the boat.

Marinette rushed over and tapped Ivan on the shoulder. "I'm sorry, Mylène, but I need to borrow Ivan."

"No problem, Marinette. Is there anything I can do to help?" asked Mylène.

"Maybe check with Juleka about the snacks and drinks?" said Marinette as she steered Ivan over to the furniture she needed help with.

Rose worriedly watched Marinette rushing around and headed over to Luka. "Do you think she's going to be all right?" Rose asked Luka. "She seems a bit more . . . um . . . high strung than usual. I was worried that if I hadn't gotten done everything I was supposed to for her list that there may have been some tears."

Luka secured the cords he was arranging to the floor and then watched Marinette again. "It's my fault. If I wasn't leaving she'd—"

Rose touched his arm. "It's not your fault. Everyone deals with stress in different ways. The more upset Marinette gets, the more she seems to try to take on. I know she's happy for you, though. Are you okay?" asked Rose, turning her bright blue eyes to him.

"I don't know. I'm excited to get to do something I've always dreamed of, but the timing is bad. I don't want to leave Marinette. We just got together. And while she is so capable, she seems so vulnerable right now," he said. "I know you are all here for her, but somehow it feels like I am leaving her alone." Luka frowned. Now that he knew Marinette was Ladybug, it felt worse leaving knowing he was the only one of her friends that knew and could help her. He didn't know what he could do about that. Unless . . . an idea suddenly popped into his head but he didn't have time to think about it now. The show was starting soon.

- - -

Calandra walked up the plank that led to the houseboat where Kitty Section had said their show was going to be. She watched the teenagers rushing around doing their last minute preparations and then tried to find a spot where she might not be noticed so she could take any shots that presented themselves. She needed to get Luka and Juleka together and not wearing their Kitty Section masks. And of course, if she saw anything else useful, she would take those shots, too. She was expecting that a lot of other teenagers would also be taking pictures so she would be even less likely to be noticed. A stack of furniture near the boat's railing caught her eye and she moved her way over to it, deciding it provided good cover and a good vantage point. Now came the waiting.

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