"Babeeee." Roman whined, shaking her thigh. "I have no idea what you're saying. You speak so fast, I can't even make out one word."

"No os preguntéis, Roman es el bebé más grande de la historia. Y tampoco le das espresso porque solo hablará y hablará sin parar." She looked over at him and chuckled at his face of confusion. "Sin embargo, él es el hombre más dulce con el que conocerás."
[ In case you are wondering, Roman is the biggest baby in history. And you don't give him a espresso either because he'll only speak and speak nonstop/ However he is the sweetest man you'll ever meet.]

"Are you saying I talk too much?" He held his chest as if he was offended. "You talk a lot too babe."

"Hablas mucho pero siempre eres muy dulce. Coge mi cumplido." Luciana said.
[You do talk a lot but you're always super sweet. Take my compliment.]

Roman furrowed his eyebrows and started chuckling. "What the hell is 'coge.' I've never heard you say that before."

She took in a deep breath. "No sé si puedo llegar al final de este reto. Él ya está empezando a volverme loco–"
[I don't know if I can make it to the end of this challenge. He is already starting to drive me crazy.]

"Luci, stop talking about me. This is such an unfair advantage." Roman interrupted.

Luciana chuckled. "Ohh, mi pobre marido."
[Ohh my poor husband.]

He looked over at her and smirked.

"¿Me quieres?" She wondered.
[Do you love me?]

Roman leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Te amo mucho."

Her heart warmed, she turned her head and kissed him on the lips. "Te quiero hasta la luna y vuelta."
[I love you to the moon and back.]

Roman looked at the camera, "baby number six?!" He cheered.

"Aye no." Luciana quickly turned the camera off.


After they spent a whole entire day of filming and talking to Roman in Spanish, they were now filming the outro.

"Muchas gracias por ver este vídeo! Espero que hayas encontrado la confusión de Roman entretenida. Veamos si ahora habla español con fluidez." Luciana wrapped her arms around Roman's waist as they stood in front of the camera.
[Thank you very much for watching this video! I hope you found the confusion of Roman entertaining. Let's see if he is now fluent in Spanish.]

"Thank you WWE for using my confusion as apart of yours and the WWE universes entertainment. I don't think I've ever been more lost in my life than today but shoutout to my wife who bared with me and comment if you want to see me speaking Samoan to Luciana for 24 hours!" Roman praised.

"Byeee!" They both waved and turned off the camera.

"That was interesting." Luciana smirked. "You were so confused it was cute."

"Ha ha." He playfully rolled his eyes and pulled her towards him. "Did I ever tell you how much I love it when you speak Spanish to me?"

"You know what would be really great?" She kissed his jawline.

"Hmm?" Roman licked his lips.

"If you go put the kids to bed." She whispered in his ear and walked away.

He grumbled. "You're always playing with me."


Coming Soon:


{Preview and Casting up now!}

Description: WWE has many legends

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Description: WWE has many legends. Especially the Bella Twins. But what still makes their name 'Bella' relevant in the company is the twins younger sister, Blake Bella. Blake is only 26 and has accomplished so much in her young career, competing with Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair for the most held titles. But with the sudden absence of her father during her teenage years, it's affected her adult life as she was unable to build relationships or find her soulmate as she watched her sisters and brother get married and engaged. Now she holds the Smackdown Women's title and gets introduced to a new story line with Roman Reigns as they compete who is the face of Smackdown. The constant fights with her family, particularly Nicole and her dad, never ends. Blake makes a decision that will affect the rest of her life.

Beauty And The Beast.
The Beast Within In Her Beauty.

Preview: "I'm going to turn her into what you fear the most! What keeps you up at night haunting you!" Klaus growled as he held her hostage

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"I'm going to turn her into what you fear the most! What keeps you up at night haunting you!" Klaus growled as he held her hostage. "That monster that still lingers out there... The one that still strikes. The one that killed your parents! She is going to be your worst nightmare!"

"N–no!" Roman coughed and attempted to get up. "Let her go Klaus!"

One of the witches used her magic to weaken Roman, instantly making him groan in pain.

"Aghhh!" Roman was sent back down to the floor. "She'll come back stronger than you! She'll make sure you die first!"

Klaus chuckled. "I'm the hybrid remember? I can't be killed."

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