Chapter Two

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Bakugou's head was pounding when he woke up. Slowly his eyes opened and he noted that everything looked fuzzy. He lifted a hand to rub the sleep from his eye when the jangle of chains caused him to jerk up right in bed. Around his wrists and ankles where thick, black, heavy chains. Bakugou frowned down at them as his brain sluggishly tried to make sense of what he was seeing.

He looked around the room, realising that he wasn't in his dorm room as he originally had though when he'd first woken. The room he was in was bare brick with no windows and a large steel looking door. Despite there being no windows the room was freezing . Bakugou usually could feel his sweat constantly through out his day, even when he was just sitting in class taking notes and yet his hands felt dry. In fact his whole body felt dry.

Bakugou clenched then unclenched his hands and tried to activate his quirk. Ice cold panic settled over him when nothing happened. His breath began to come a raspy gasps. He rubbed his palms on the bed sheets to try and get some friction to activate his quirk again but it was only the same result. His eyes widened in fear.

What in the fuck happened to his quirk?!

" You need to calm down blonde. I can smell you from up stairs." A voice said and Bakugou just about snapped his neck turning to locate its source. He bared his teeth in the semblance of a growl when he recognised who the voice belonged too.

" You. " Bakugou hissed at the dark haired male who was leaning against the wall opposite him. The villain tipped his head to the side and grinned.

" Me." Agreed Dabi.

" what the fuck is going on? I told you fucking losers before I won't join you! Give the fuck up!" Bakugou ground out through gritted teeth. " it would be in your best interest to let me fucking go before the pro's arrive and kick your ass." Dabi sniggered and Bakugou felt his face flush with anger, rattling the chains he growled out " take these ducking things off... then we'll see whos fucking laughing then!"

At that Dabi threw his head back and gave a proper, belly laugh. Doubling over he wiped at his eye-apparently he'd laughed himself to tears. Bakugou stopped shaking the chains and stared at the other male, eyes widening as they raked over the ravenette, it was becoming clear that Dabi was just the slightest bit unhinged.

" Aw man." The villains huffed out through his laughter " I forgot that you were some big, bad tough guy."  Dabi straightened and moved towards the bed, leaning down he stared into Bakugou's eyes long enough that it got very uncomfortable. " let's get one thing straight you-" he never got to finish his sentence as Bakugou then took the opportunity to swing both his hands up, the heavy chains clocking Dabi in the chin, causing his jaw to snap shut with a tooth cracking click. Bakugou then tried to activate his quirk once again.

Dabi rubbed his chin and spat some blood onto the floor, he let out a little laugh as he turned back towards the blonde. The villain grabbed Bakugou's cheeks and pulled his face close to his own, Dabi activated his quirk just enough that his fingers would feel uncomfortably hot.

" Now you listen here you little shit. You have no idea what I've done to get you here. I lost you once and I won't let it happen again. You're mine do you hear me? Mine . It was my idea to keep you locked away in my safe house instead of with the other omegas." Dabi then shoved Bakugou backwards hard enough that his back hit the wall. Bakugou stared at him uncomprehendingly.

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