Author's end note

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This is it.

I know it's not a happy Jaebeom or Jooheon ending but as it is based on real life events, I thought it would be better to stick with what really happened than to make it another happy bias ending. I have plenty of other stories like these.

In life, we don't always get what we want when we want it.

As a young woman, I didn't always have the confidence to say what I wanted to, especially when it came to men, worried it would affect dramatically my life, my pride. That didn't stop me from trying every so often and being rejected (too many times). That's why I never openly admitted (again) to my best friend I had strong feelings for him. I thought that he knew because of the bridge episode and that, when he was ready, he would take the leap. I also thought that he was too good for me so why would he have these feelings for me? But he confused me.

At that time in my life, friendship was everything and I suffered a few times from relying completely on my friends.

Only when I grew up did I realise what was most important:

Myself. Loving myself. Trusting myself. Being proud of the person I was.

And also friendships that can endure time and distance, that make you grow and feel loved. These are the ones you need.

Even though I didn't get my Jaebeom, I had other experiences, I travelled, met people and am now happy with a family.

A broken heart will heal and make you stronger. Trust me.

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