The angel I saw (Part 2 of 4) -Reshiram x Reader-

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Reshiram's POV

With each second that passed, my heartbeats became faster and I could feel it pounding hard against my chest, as I flew in the direction of (Y/N)'s home, the sun shining bright over me as my shadow coverd the trees I passed by, until I saw the roof of her house under me.

-There it is- I whispered to myself, as I gently landed on the ground, I knocked on her door and eagerly awaited for her to answer, I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw the door opening, but it was quickly fooled as a woman that wasn't (Y/N) or her sister appear in front of me.

-Excuse me, how may I help you?- The woman asked me, it was visible she came out of the kitchen, as she was wearing an apron and carried a rolling pin.

-Good day ma'am, I was wondering if (Y/N) was in the house at the moment- I asked in the most respectful tone I had, without sounding exaggerated, the woman smiled warmly at me and quickly answered.

-She's not here right now, but she will be back soon, if you want to you can wait for her inside- I wanted to deny her offer, but her stare was pleading and it was kind off scary, I had to accept it and she welcomed me inside her home.

(Y/N)'s POV

 I opened the door, carrying the bags with the ingredients that my mom told me to buy, and found myself surprised to see my mom cooking in the kitchen, along with Reshiram, who was wearing a pink and white apron.

-Welcome back honey! Your boyfriend is such a nice guy! Helping me cook and all- My mother proclaimed happily, I couldn't do nothing but blush, seeing Reshiram look so cute with the apron. After we ate, Reshiram invited me to take a walk with him, and with the insistence of my mother and my sister, I accepted his offer.

-You have a really wonderful family- Reshiram spoke, I looked at him and I felt my heart sink when I saw his eyes get teary.

-You... Don't have a family?- I asked him comfortingly, he looked at me with a sad smile on his face, he wiped his tears before they rolled down his cheeks, turning his gaze towards the bright blue sky.

-Well, besides from my brother who I haven't seen in years, I have no one to call ''family''- I could feel every word getting heavier in my shoulders, taking me down silently, and it would feel worse for him! I couldn't abide this, and my instinct told me to do something, I got on my tiptoes and gently crashed our lips together, the kiss was short and sweet, after I slowly pulled back, I locked his gaze with mine.

-That's not true, you have me! You don't have to be alone anymore...- I softly whispered, my cheeks colouring after a bright pink, he smiled warmly at me, and blushed back. After that we spent a good time walking for a while, until we heard a ton of footsteps behind us, vibrations running under the ground, we looked around us and in the distance, we saw a herd of scared and agitated Sawsbucks and Deerling coming towards us.

-Stampede!- Reshiram shouted, we started to run in the same direction, as we kept on running I could feel my lungs burning inside me, and my legs going numb, but the adrenaline running through my body kept me going, we didn't knew where we were going, we only wanted to be safe, until my legs failed me, and I fell to the rough ground.

-(Y/N)!- I heard Reshiram shout, he turned around and picked me up before the herd caught me, I looked to my arms and legs, slightly covered in scratches and dirt, my instinct made me use my arms as cover, protecting my head from any damage, we flew into the air, looking for cover, until we found a cave.

-Reshiram?!- A deep, masculine voice ask, agitation in the tone he spoke, we looked behind us and and saw a guy that looked the same age as Reshiram.

-Ze...Krom?...- Reshiram whispered, his eyes opened widely in shock, and I just stood there on the ground, not knowing what to do or say.

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