thirtynine (filler)

Start from the beginning

"We should go out tonight." Dime said as my phone vibrated.

"Yeah we should..." I said slowly trailing off once I read the message.

You single

"Excuse me y'all I gotta use the bathroom." I told them getting up.

Once I got into a quiet area I dialed his number but no answer. I dialed it again, and again but he still didn't answer so I just texted him.

we'll talk about this later

I locked my phone and finished having a good time. I'm not finna let his negative ass ruin my good time.

10:17 pm

Still Trappin' by Lil Durk & King Von played through my car speakers as I made my way to Jahir's house.

After lunch I went back to the salon for my appointments and to help out with the boutique.

Jahir never texted me back and I even tried to call him again once I got to the salon but he still didn't answer. He acting like a kid at this point.

Dime and Niqo ended up going to the club with Dre and Sonya but I told them we could link again whenever they come back in town cause I need to see what's going on with Jahir.

I pulled into his driveway seeing Jahir's two cars and Terrance's car. I walked up to the door pulling out the keys and unlocked the door.

"Dioreo!!" Amir yelled greeting me as I locked the door behind me.

"Is that my favorite sister?!" Terrance said causing me to roll my eyes at them.

"Is that my niece!?" I cooed at Erin as she reached for me from Amir's lap. I picked her up giving her kisses as she squealed.

"Well hello to you too." Amir scoffed.

"Right, don't kiss my daughter if you can't speak. I don't know where your mouth been anyway." He said taking her from me.

"Stop playing with me Terrance."

"Yeah Terrance you better stop playing with her you know how she get." Amir said.

"Yeah her big Mink! Mink! Mink! headass." Terrance said using Erin arms to throw punches at the air causing us to laugh.

"You look extra bald today, it's giving Santana." Amir said causing Terrance and even Erin to laugh.

I don't care if she just turned 1, I'll still fire her ass up.

"And you look especially unemployed today, it's giving bankrupt." I shot back.

"Damn... double homicide." Terrance said shaking his head.

"Cut the shit, where y'all brother at?" I asked.

"My dawg outside tryna keep his peace since you decided to be his problem." Amir said.

"Preach! Ain't nothin but the damn devil." Terrance said shaking his head.

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