Începe de la început

She said giving a mini heart attack to everyone while ARYAMAAN coming out of the trens asked....

ARYAMAAN : If she is your sister & share holder in SHIKHAWAT'S empire then how anyone dosen't even know about her.......

Hearing it ABHITI / RUHI take a deep breath & said.....

ABHITI /RUHI : This is all for her protection..... It's a long story.... That time we were living in MUMBAI in are MUMBAI palace... As my dad was a raw officer we all were unware of it except my mom, he used to stay busy in his work most of the time out... but my chachu KUNWAR KRISHNA ARJUN SHIKHAWAT was a normal person... he was handling SHIKHAWAT'S buisness very well... My mom was the one who get chachu married with my chachi as she was her younger sister.... After marriage he joined are family buisness.... He grown up SHIKHAWAT'S empire to the next height of sky..... When ANGEL was 4 years old... One day ANGEL, chachu & chachi went to park that's when some goons sent by are rivals attack them to destroy are company as chachu was the back bone of SHIKHAWAT'S empire... As it was a sudden attack & they were not prepared for it they got successful in killing all are security guards... They even shoot my chachi & killed her in front of ANGEL & CHACHU... This is the only reason my ANGEL has the phobia of blood & weapons... She even gets nightmares of it... as that day she saw her mother dieing in front of her eyes in just age of 4... That day CHACHU fought with those goons very bravely... He rescue ANGEL from the goons & ran from thire in his car along with ANGEL... It was not like he wasn't able to finish them he ran just to save his only daughter... He was heading towards are palace but in way when he was coming back home some goons try to kill them by pushing thire car off from the hill ditching the car by truck the car fell from the cliff & chachu died... That cliff was so dangerous that we didn't even found thire dead body... The car was shattered in small pieces... But due to MAHADEV'S grace ANGEL got saved as before falling of from the hills CHACHU throw her out of the car & she fell on grass so she got saved... Before that goons can harmed her dad reached thire who got information about attack through his sources with are guards seeing him & guard's all goons ran from thire... & they saved her... After that they bring her home mom take care of her just like me...... Dad adopted her legally due to some legal issues.... Some people's suggest us to sent her to are grandparents to keep her safe from all this.... But dad didn't sent her to are grandparents..... Why I don't know... We even don't know who they are.... We only know that we have a maternal uncle but we don't know where he is, who he is as dad & mom never told us about them & thire family.... This was the same time when SEJU'S mom left her so she was living with us too... me & SEJU used to play with her... Being a younger sibling she got pamper by us alot... After chachu's demise dad got busy in buisness they used to stay out for late... Due to this they started getting worried for mine & angels life thinking that if something happen to me & angel in thire absence.... He can't even sent us DEVGARH alone as it was too not safe in his absence... So he sent me, SEJU & ANGEL London towards are granny... I am only one year bigger than her but being a elder sister I used to pamper her alote soon, I became like a mother for her.... I was not only her sister but her best friend.......

She said with moist eyes while hearing it ARYAMAAN asked......

ARYAMAAN : How she dosen't know about your parents death..... Where was she all this while.... & how she end up like this..... How she went through that accident...... ( yahi to sab janna chate hai bhai wo bhi najaane kab se.....)

Hearing it ABHITI /RUHI Zoned out like she is living that day again..... But realising reality she come out of her trens & said with wet teary eyes........

ABHITI/RUHI : ANGEL was studding in last year of her masters in buisness management.... After her final exams she went for a trip to world tour with her friends....... All this while she was on trip so she didn't got to know about anything....... I & SEJU decided not to tell her as after her parents death her bade papa, my dad & her badi mom, my mom become her parents...... she was attached with my parents very much... In fact she used to visit mom & dad in her vacations & among all of three she was the only one whom dad everytime allowed to visit them so she will not miss her mom & dad... So i & SEJU hide about thire death from her as we knew she will break down after hearing it.... She was away from all this, that was the only reason I was carefree to do my investigation... It was 7 month back story... when after two month of mom & dads death.... it was time for her return & I was worried what I will answer her..... What will I tell her about her bade papa & badi mom... Where did they went... I can't hide about thire deaths too... But how will I tell her that her parents died again..... She again become an orphan..... We three become orphans...... I was preparing my self to face her...... I knew needs to be strong for her.... I told her that I am in INDIA in Mumbai for some work & she told me that she will directly come to Mumbai from Vegas instead of going to London....... As she wants to meet me & later we will go to DEVGARH to meet mom & dad..... I become restless..... Her flight was of after 2 days but I was unaware of the fact that she is returning from the world trip next day instead of after two days to surprise me.... as when she was on trip she was without security & due to this, that thing happened which shouldn't have happened... She was coming back to INDIA with a flight instead of privet jet due to surprise me due to which which are enemies got to know that MISS. SHIKHAWAT is coming back to India...... No one new about me being in India as I was hiden in DEVGARH all this while.... They misunderstood her to be KUNWARANI ABHITI ARJUN SHIKHAWAT the next heir of SHIKHAWAT empire & too be YUNWARANI of DEVGARH.... When she landed in MUMBAI are mens spoted her on airport so they called SEJU & told her about her return..... As soon as she got to know about her arrival she informed me & I ordered Mr. PULKIT to sent thire trustworthy mens to airport quickly to pick her up & bring her to DEVGARH in privet choper with security....... I was in DEVGARH waiting for ANGEL that's when MR. PULKIT called me & told me that when she was in her car leaving the airport heading towards are privet chopper that's when are enemies goons attacked her & she is in SHIKHAWAT'S hospital in Mumbai....... When I heard it the ground/earth from below my foot slipped...... As soon as I heard about her attack I rushed to MUMBAI along with SEJU by my privet choper...... I directly landed on SHIKHAWAT'S HOSPITAL'S helipad & headed to the hospital room hurriedly where ANGEL was kept....... I reached thire only to found the lifeless body of my ANGEL lying in front of me on death bead, struggling for living......

✅JUNOON - THE OBSESSION OF YOUR LOVE PART III✅Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum