Chapter 3

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(Note: Golden System have the ability to translate languages. You're a fast learner, so you are able to learn Italian in a fast pace.)

Walking cautiously through the area where most people do suspicious things, I look around the area searching for a possible target (bad guy). While nearing on the alleyway, a suspicious man is talking to a kid. I hid behind the wall, shifting my head a bit to observe what they were exploiting. The man grasped something from his pocket and passed it to the kid. Thinking that it was the end of it. He took something again from his pocket that seems to be an injection. The man holds the kid hand and positions the injection.

Not liking where this is leading to. I command Golden System to knock the terrible guy. Golden System teleport at the back of the man striking the side of his neck making him unconscious. The kid jumps in surprised by what just happened and run away.

Standing up I walk to the unconscious man and high five with Golden System before she disappeared. Bending down I put my hand to his pocket grabbing the wallet and took all his money before putting it back. Putting my hand on his neck ripples of light appears on my hand, healing his neck injury. A 'ting' sound is heard. A message form in front of me.

「Hamon: F → E (Rank Up↑) 」

Glad that my Hamon finally level up, it's been weeks since I've been doing this. I've been getting money from the bad guys by making them unconscious with Golden system by striking their neck and healing them at the same time. It's quite convenient for leveling my Hamon skill. Examining my surrounding, I look around if there is a bystander. None. I step on the 'injection' destroying it. I order Golden System to find the kid, since he might have gotten far and he got something he shouldn't have. I pull the unconscious guy, support his head on the wall, then left to find the kid.


After scolding the kid for doing outrageous things, I started explaining to him what those drugs would do to his body and mind. Sighing, I ruffle his hair activating Hamon to cleanse the impurities from his body. 'Maybe I should just earn money from healing...'. thinking of becoming a healer instead. The kid became energetic and positive. He grinned at me saying he will not do it again. Promising he will focus on his studies instead. (Btw the kid is 13/14 years old)

The kid left running with full of energy. After all that happened, I'm craving for some (fav. Italian food), I carefully count the money I got then took my leave.


Watching people walking to the street, I was hoping to see at least one of the JJBA characters. Thinking about the show. Why did I not just go to where they usually stayed? I was overly focused on earning money from the bad guys and by improving my skill that I failed to remember them.

The waiter came and carefully put down the (fav. Italian food) on the table. I sniff the (Fav. Italian food) before taking a bite, slowly eating savoring the taste. After eating, I walk to the street looking at the shops thinking about buying some new clothes.

↫The Next Day↬

Waking up inside the Space dimension, Golden System teleported me back to the alley way. (Note: (Y/N) sleep at Space Dimension since she's homeless and doesn't want to spend money to rent an apartment.) (When you enter the Space Dimension/Absolute Space and coming out the space, you'll emerge where you were located at/standing at.)

Starting my daily routine, I start making my way to the sketchy area. After walking for an hour, I didn't find any targets. Since there's no reason to stay, I was about to head to the restaurant to eat Breakfast when I heard a man cussing. I stopped my tracks hid behind the wall and spy at the angry man. He was complaining about waking up early in the morning just to wait for so long.

Minutes later a man holding a suitcase came in view. The furious man starts on cussing at the man with the suitcase. The man with the suitcase told the furious man to quiet down. After he quiets down, the said man carefully open the suitcase revealing it to the other man. Both of them formed a greedy smile. Maybe it was filled with money. The man holding the suitcase carefully handed it to the other man. After that they began walking on a separate way. I began on following the guy who has the suitcase now.


After taking many routes, he finally stops walking and observe his surroundings. Not seeing anyone, he started walking to go inside what looks like an abandoned house. Minutes later he came out the suitcase was nowhere to seen. Maybe he left it inside the abandoned house.

The man lit his cigar started walking away leaving. After making sure that the man is gone. I left my hiding spot and start to make my way to the abandoned house. "Stop your tracks Signorina." A familiar stern voice said. Stopping my tracks, I tilted my head a bit to see who it was.


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