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As I follow his directions, I can feel that he is observing me.

"What?" I ask, still focused on the road.

"I like how you drive." He says smiling.

"How is that?"

"You don't drive like a girl."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Again I sound sexist. I don't mean to. Sorry. I mean, your hand is on the gear stick and the other, on top of the steering wheel if not on the side with your elbow on the window. Your seat is leaning back. You drive with confidence. You anticipate. You don't hesitate. You judge distances really well and your driving is energetic."

"Are you saying I'm reckless?"

"No! Not at all. My ex used to spend ages at the stop sign before she would go. She used to sit close to the steering wheel. She used to hesitate so much, I was stressed out and insisted on driving. I feel very comfortable and safe with you." I smile even thought the ex comparison is not something I particularly like.


"Blue gates on the right."

I park on the street. He takes his board out and I take my beach bag and pick up the bread I bought this morning in it. Opening the tall pale blue gate contrasting with the surrounding deep green hedge, we enter the property. The house is charming with pale blue window shutters, matching the gate, white walls covered by a mature wisteria climbing across half of the building. It's gorgeous.

We enter by the garage, where he drops his board with an intimidating collection.

"Are they all yours?"

"No!! My brother's, sister's and my dad's too. But we share." I should have known... the whole family is cool.

We go in the house. It is lovely, nice, bright, not particularly modern but it smells of holiday.

"Do you want a drink?"

"Do you have Coke?"

"Ah, a Coke addict!" I look at him unsure if his exclamation is a good thing or not. "I am too. There's always Coke in this house." He hands me a can. "Have a look around and see if you can guess which one is my room. I'll start on lunch."

"Are you sure you don't want me to help you?"

"I'm very capable." He says kissing my temple before shooing me out.

"Okay. I like a challenge."

The living room is airy, the three sofas and the bar telling me that him and his family are used to host. I walk along the corridor and both bedrooms look empty, bed made, things neat and tidy. There's a shower room which seems dry, clean, pretty much untouched. I walk up the stairs and see family pictures hanging off the wall. He seems to have had a lovely childhood. His parents are very attractive which explains the genes he inherited. Jooheon seems to have been a little clown as a kid, he's adorable.

Upstairs, there are three more bedrooms. I can tell which one is his parents'. The huge windows and dressing room give it away. I feel awkward looking in, so I don't stay.

The other two rooms look pretty much identical, tidy, bed made. I couldn't guess which one is his sister's. I was expecting posters and girly stuff... I guess I'm the sexist one this time. There must be clues. I don't want to snoop though, so I just give up and come back downstairs.

The French doors are opened and the table is set on the sheltered patio. I step out and am mesmerised by the garden. Tall trees, the pool, a pool house at the back, a canopy where you can lie down, outdoor sitting, fairy lights, bright and fragrant flowers.


He comes out with a colourful salad and crispy bread and sees me gobsmacked by the view, amusing him.

"You like?"


"Definitely." He says clearly looking at me, making me blush. "Are you not too hot with your sweater?" I raise an eyebrow as this sounds like an invitation to get naked. "No!! I mean I can lend you a tee shirt!"

"I brought other clothes."

I step back in, grab my bag, heading to the shower room, and change my sweater for a cropped shirt that I tie with a bow instead of the buttons.

Joining him outside, I sit and he serves me salad, bread.

"Did you want some wine?"

"No I'm okay with Coke for now. I'm not really a wine person."


His food is delicious. I'm having a lovely time. We talk for ages, enjoying each other's company. He tells me about his siblings and parents. They sound wonderful. After lunch, we tidy up and I return outside where I check the pool. Perfect temperature.

"Wanna swim?" He asks, having joined me on my walk around the garden.

"Not now thanks. I feel a little sleepy. Perfect weather for a nap."

"You nap?"

"Nothing wrong with a nap, especially with good company." I say sitting on the outdoor bed.

"Did you work out which one is my room by the way?"



"Just now actually."


"Pool house. The rest of the house is way too neat. I mean you might be very neat, but there are limits. Also I saw your trainers poking out. The door is slightly opened."

"Well inspector Katie, you win." He says sitting next to me.

"What do I win?" I ask turning to him.

"You win a nap partner."

Pulling me to lay next to him, we shift up and find a comfortable position. His arm under my neck, I am snuck cosily against him, our legs twined.

I look up and see his smile on me. He's so beautiful. I mean! I don't think he's classically handsome. Jackson is. But his personality and aura just make him so damn gorgeous, I can't resist him.

"What are you thinking about? I can tell your brain is going 100 miles an hour."

"Is it the smoke coming out of my ears that gave it away?" He laughs. God he's even more gorgeous.

"Yes! Definitely the smoke. So? What are you thinking about?"

"You." He seems surprised.

"What about me."

"I... like you."

"I noticed that." He says smugly, before leaning in and pulling me closer.

I slide my hands up and cup his face, offering my lips and he takes them. His brush mine so carefully and tenderly, I am melting. My tongue slips in and our kiss deepens. He caresses my face with the back of his fingers, giving me goosebumps before I break the kiss. I stare at him, his caring eyes. I feel nice, at peace, wanted. I've never felt like that. The others have been so brief, I didn't get a chance to bond, to have stimulating conversations, to look into each other's eyes and feel like this is exactly the place I want to be.

Resuming our kiss, we fall into each other once again. I don't feel pressured. I don't feel like he's expecting anything else than what I give him right now.

This is perfect. The warmth of the air, the light warm breeze, the softness of the bed, the strength of his arms around me and the perfect way he holds me, the softness of his touch. I feel amazing. He makes me feel amazing. I don't want it to end.

I said it! To myself. He could be like that because he knows I'm going home tomorrow and he's making it as enjoyable for me as possible, but he knows he'll be back to his old self once I leave... Damn! It's fine! Right? It's a summer break thing. Just make the most of it Katie.

Our lips come apart and I nestle against his chest, his fingers stroking my back. I fall asleep.

On the Island // Jaebeom/JooheonWhere stories live. Discover now