"Yep. I'll swap spots with Mitchell and I won't move until the movie is over." I nod in agreement, somehow finding the courage within myself to be ok with this arrangement. If he had suggested that I sit between him and James on the long piece of lounge I would have declined his idea right away, but if It's just Chris that I am sitting next to and I have the freedom to shift away into my own space if I need to, then I think I can handle this.

"Not even if Nathan tries to bribe you?" He presses again, flicking on his indicator before turning into one of the few empty parking spots outside of Dr Miller's office.

"Not even then." I promise with another nod.

"Hmm. Alright, you strike a hard bargain, but I will think about it." He replies with a thoughtful nod after turning the engine off and pulling the key from the ignition.

Think about it? I don't think so buddy. I have had enough of him skulking around the house like a moody teenager, giving me the silent treatment over something so childish. He doesn't get to think about this for even a second longer.

"Unless you want me to sit next to Nathan or Mitchell instead..." I trail off with an innocent shrug, leaning down to collect my schoolbag from the space at my feet.

"What? No. If you're sitting next to anybody during movie night it's going to be me." Chris backtracks immediately, practically tipping over his words as he tries to get them out.

"Then it's a deal?" I ask, unclipping my seatbelt and turning in my seat to look at him properly.

"It's a deal." He agrees with a decisive nod, shoving his hand out towards me for a shake, but quickly drawing back when he realises his mistake. Considering he has just agreed to end his mood, combined with my current relaxed energy, I decide that it is safe enough for me to initiate contact on this one occasion.

Reaching across the space between us, I gently ruffle the top of Chris's well styled hair, not paying too much notice to the strands that clump together from where he has expertly gelled it to the side. My actions do just enough to make a few rogue tufts of hair stick up at funny angles, but the resounding smile on Chris's face tells me that he is more than ok with my less than adequate styling skills.

"I'll see you later?"

"Sure will cupcake, have a good session." Chris calls out, his beaming smile not once faltering in the Process. I know that if I hadn't been forgiven before, then I definitely am now.

"I'll try." I answer simply, yanking open the door and pulling my backpack over my shoulders once I am outside of the car. Knowing the topic of today's discussion I'm not sure how smoothly things are going to go, but if it helps clear up some of my confusion and draws me closer to making a decision about my mother than I am willing to give it a red hot go.

"Good. Now get in there before you end up late." He says, pointing towards the building as I shut the car door behind me.

"Roger that." I nod, giving him a small wave before making my way towards the main entrance to the office.

Checking in with the receptionist, I am surprised to find Dr Miller already standing in the waiting room. His back is turned towards me and he seems to be collecting some brochures from the large display on the far wall. Hearing me enter the room, Dr Miller turns his head over his shoulder, a friendly smile lighting up his face as his eyes land on me.

"Hello Kenzie. How are you today?"

"Good thank you. How about you?" I respond out of habit, tucking my hair behind my ears as I do.

"I've had a wonderful day thank you and you're my last appointment for the afternoon so that makes it even better." He responds cordially, bunching the colourful brochures together in his hand before stepping away from the display unit. I don't know how to respond to his answer so I simply nod in agreement and wait for him to make the next move.

All Four Of MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ