We need to come back stronger than we were before

Before I could get really into it, my brother pulled up next to me while we were driving down our secluded road.

"Alright sis ready to get beat in a car race?" He asked smugly. Although we both know who's really going to win here.

"If that's how you want to play it, then fine. First one to the school wins." I stated. He paled a bit when I said school and not the stop sign that marked the end of the secluded road, like we would normally race to. But hey, he was the one trying to be all cocky and what not, if he wanted to be so smug then fine, but he would have to deal with the consequences. I smirked back at my idgit of a brother knowing full well I would win. He technically used to street race too, but not as much as I did, he wasn't as invested in it as I was. I love the adrenaline rush it gives me, going so fast and feeling the wind hit my face when I have the top down, I live for it. I counted down from 5 preparing to leave him in my dust, or exhaust in this case. As soon as I said 1 we were gone, I stepped on the gas and sped my way through all the curves the road brought us. I was already making it a good two miles in front of my brother, shaving 10 minutes off of our usual 20 minute drive to school. I swerved right into my parking spot from yesterday barely aware of all the shocked stares I received for going like 30 miles above the speed limit. My brother soon arrived after me, pulling into the spot neighboring mine.

"You never learn do you Natey? I will always, always beat you in a car race my dear brother." I had to shout so he could hear me, since I was still blasting music through my speakers. Although I could tell he heard the smugness in my voice as he shot a glare at me and began mumbling incoherent things. I turned off my music and just then realized all the stares I was receiving. It was weird, if I was being honest, the kids in my old school were used to me and Nate racing to school everyday. In fact, in this situation back in Georgia, I'd probably just shout, "What's wrong? Never seen a sister beat her idgit brother in a car race before?". But, I don't know anyone here yet, so I'm not comfortable doing that. I look around awkwardly, while giving a small sheepish smile at all the gawking students staring at me and my brother. I glanced at my brother as I got out of my car, and quickly went to his side, feeling safer in the comfort of his presence.

"If anything sis, they're gawking because they are impressed." He whispered low enough for only me to hear. I looked over and gave a thankful smile to him, he always knew what to say to make me feel better. I would have no idea what to do without him, even though I always make fun of him, I love him to death and he knows it too. I began thinking about what just happened. It's kind of funny. The fact that I'm so bold and stupid in front of my brother as we were racing, but as soon as I saw all my classmates staring at me, I couldn't help but close myself off and feel awkward and shy. Sometimes I really curse my stupid anxiety.


It was lunch time and I was sitting outside on the football bleachers with my brother. We began talking aimlessly about random things.

"Oh! Remember that one time where you challenged that MadMax dude to a street race and he was so certain he would win but he pouted like a 2 year old when he lost!" Nate suddenly said.

"Oh my gosh! Yes! I was sure he would rip my head off when he lost, he seemed like the type ya know?"

"Yeah he did, I still can't believe you went undefeated for so long! I guess they called you 'The Emperor' for a reason huh?" He said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, although that was a little sexist, just cause I had a hoodie on and have broad shoulders doesn't mean I'm a dude." I huffed.

"Who was sexist?" I jumped at least 10 feet in the air giving Nate a panicked look. He knew just as well that we couldn't give out my identity as 'The Emperor'. There's a lot of people trying to find out the man (or woman) behind the hood. Really really pissed and powerful people, I can't risk losing my hidden identity, or I'm dead. Literally.

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