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Fugo woke up earlier than usual, he doesn't know why, maybe because the the bright, rather annoying yellow sun, or maybe his brain functions were being an asshole this morning.

"GioGio-" Fugo scanned their bed, and the room.

He's gone, again.

"Oh fuck, oh shit." Last time he lost Giorno in the morning, he never found him until next day. He got a fucking heart attack for peets sake.

"GioGio!?" He grabbed his hole riddled coat and bursted through the backyard door. He wasn't there, not that he saw.

"Fugo? Buongiorno." Fugo felt a shiver go down his spine, it's as if his boyfriend was unintentionally trying to scare his heart out of his chest.

"Sheesh GioGio, you scared the fuck out of me. Don't leave without me knowing again." Giorno nodded. He followed the older back into their, now disheveled house.

"Sorry about this mess, Giorno, I'll clean it late-" Once again, Giorno had vanished. He'd vanished into thin air and Fugo wasn't even there to see the boy snap his fingers.



"There you go froggy, you're free now." Giorno stepped out into the backyard and let the frog jump out of his arms.

"GIORNO!" Giorno flinched at the call of his name.

"Ciao." He responded, turning back to see his boyfriend, red faced out of anger.

"Don't 'Ciao' me! What did I say about leaving without me knowing!?" He grabbed Giornos hand, this time firmly.

"I thought you knew since I went out befo-" Giorno felt something latch onto his pink clothed leg. The frog came back to him, it was climbing up his clothes.

"What is-" Fugo pointed at the amphibian.

"It's a frog." Giorno pointed at the green fellow.

"Yeah, it's an amphibian, I can see that but...what's it doing in the house." Fugo lifted an eyebrow, shaking slowly as he pointed at it. Giorno grabbed his softly and presented him to Fugo.

"Wanna hold it?"


"Why not?"

"Because it's gross and it's slimy and it makes weird noises." Fugo narrowed his eyes.

"Hey he's not gross." Giorno frowned.

"Yeah okay whatever, but just...please get it out, GioGio..." Giorno glared at the older.

"No, I'm mad now, nobody speaks about frog that way. Don't call me GioGio until you make up a sincere apology." Giorno gave him a serious look of disappointment.

"No Gio-"

"Froggy says repent."

The mans 100% serious, he didn't open his bedroom door since, he always asks if Fugo made an apology, (Answer is always no.)  So now, the silver haired boy is here, righting an apology letter, to a frog. Great.

"To my dearest Giorno, and frog."

No, sounds a bit off. He doesn't even know what he's doing with his life anymore.

"Dear Giorno, I'm truly sorry about my unwanted comments, I absolutely regret everything I've said about frog and I hope you can forgive me too, love, Fugo.

P.S. You do not smell frog, you emit a rather pleasant oder."

Seems about right.



Giornos door slowly cracked opened. He glared at Fugo, and the paper in his hand.

"Is that the apology?" He asked. Fugo nodded as a response. The blonde politely snatched the paper at red it out to froggy. He took a sigh and smiled.

"Not the best but it'll do." He folded the paper up and put it in his pocket.

"Very well, Froggy forgives you." He took out the green frog as it croaked, it jumped on Fugo and Fugo pissed himself the end.

I made this when I was bored af at school.:D



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