Love pt2

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“Mr. and Mr. Stylinson, thanks so much for coming.” Louis probably would have smirked at saying thrle word “coming” if it hadn’t come from Niall’s teacher, Mrs. Eaves. “He just has been talking bad about other classmates lately and about his brothers.”

“Interesting, thanks for telling us.” Louis responded, greatly disturbed to hear this about his eldest son.

“Niall is right outside, you wanna have him come in and talk.” He stood up, going to get Niall from outside the door.

“So, Niall, Mrs. Eaves tells us that you’ve been talking bad about students and Zayn and Liam. Is that true?”

“I might have said a few things but you don’t understand, they were asking me where my mum was.”

“Well talk about that later but you didn’t have to talk bad about them.” Harry spoke up.

“Niall, it’s affecting your schooling.” The teacher commented.

“I can’t help it; they whisper things to me and pass me notes.” He retorted, a slight whine in his voice.

“Do you have these notes?” He shook his head. “What do they say?”

“‘Where’s your mum?’ and ‘don’t you have a mummy?’” Tears started to fall down his pale cheeks. Harry pulled the boy close to his chest, soothing him. Niall probably would have been extremely embarrassed if any of his classmates saw him right now, but he didn’t care.

“Would you like to talk later?” the teacher suggested to Louis. He nodded and thanked her following Harry out to the car. When they got home, they found Marie, their babysitter coloring with Liam while Zayn was lying with his toy panda in his hands, dummy in his mouth, sucking away happily.

“Hi Marie.” Louis said while Harry took Niall up to his room.

“Daddy!” Liam said, dropping his marker and running into his daddy’s arms.

“Hi LiLi.” He responded, smiling. “Were you good for Marie?”

“Yeah, we played action figures and I let her be my special batman toy and we had a snack and we colored and, and—” he rushed, stumbling over his words.

“Whoa, buddy calm down, breathe.” Louis admonished.

“It was fun.” He said before squirming out of Louis arms. He ran back over and resumed coloring.

“How’s my baby doing?” he asked, walking over to Zayn and picking him up, placing him on his hip.

“Dada.” He slurred around his dummy.

“Have you been changed?” he asked more to Marie then Zayn.

“It’s probably about time. Do you want me to take care of it?”

“Could you? I need to go check on Niall.” She nodded, taking Zayn, cooing at him, to the changing table. Louis hurried upstairs to see an adorable sight. Niall was asleep, curled into Harry side. He snapped a picture for their private photo album and smiled.

“He cried himself to sleep.” The younger stage whispered. Louis nodded. Harry gently got up but Niall gripped his shirt.

“No, Papa, stay.” He grumbled. Harry smiled and Louis went downstairs thanking and aying Marie before getting Liam and Zayn upstairs in the bed also. They cuddled up together, ‘I love you’ s being exchanged before the family was asleep.

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