Enough Is Enough.

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I stood in the driveway as I watched Ebony back out and burn off down the street. She really knows how to get to me I swear I hate it when she shuts me out on things she's stubborn as hell and hard headed. With Ebony it's always her way or the highway and I can't take this shit no more.

I headed back in the house to get my phone and keys I had to be at work at 4 o'clock for the movie I'm going to be in Think like a Man 2 and I didn't want to risk being late besides being on sett always seems to take my mind off of things and helps relax me which at this particular moment I really needed.

My co-stars are all down to Earth and real laid back. Being on sett with them there was hardly ever a dull moment. I went to the garage and got in my SLS GT Mercedes Coupe and drove off.

On my way to work I just couldn't shake the argument Ebony and I had. Like why is she fighting so hard on this with me? She won't let me know a damn thing about her parents she either gets really irritated or breaks down into tears? And it's my job as her husband to never make her cry so I try not to push the subject to hard but I think I deserve to know some things.

The thoughts began to fade from my head as I was approaching where we would be shooting the movie; I thank God that it wasn't too far from my house.
As I pulled up I drove my way towards the back to my trailer so I could chill and get ready to shoot.

I got out the car and the first person I see is Kevin Hart crazy ass, I was relieved to see him I swear this dude could have you dying of laughter within a matter of seconds. "Damn dude what's wrong with you"? Kev asked right after we shook hands. Ah hell here we go I thought "Ebony is giving me hell man" I said to him as I shook my head at the thought of the argument me and her had earlier.

This nigga doubles over laughing extra hard like I just told him the funniest joke in the world. "That's why you looking like someone just threw cow shit on ya face"? He said laughing even harder and running around in circles. I can't stand Kev Lil troll looking ass but I had to admit the shit was funny and I had to be able to laugh at it to try and cover up how pissed I really was.

"Look man let it go, whatever it is Ebony will come around I guarantee it". He said hitting me on my back. "I hope you right man". I said to him as we made our way back to the trailer to get ready to shoot my scene with my onscreen girlfriend Taraji P. Henson.

In the movie Taraji's character is a very independent and very strong minded woman and let's not forget very stubborn. Just like Ebony which is why shooting my scenes with her would be natural for me it's just like every day routine and conversation with Ebony. The director came to my trailer and said they were ready for me on set. "Showtime baby" I said into the mirror as I looked over my appearance and headed out of the door from my trailer.

As soon as I stepped on set Taraji greeted me right away "Hey Boo"! She said as I gave her a quick hug, her eyes lit up instantly it's been a Lil while since we have seen each other let alone work together. "Quite on the SET" The director yelled letting us know that we would have to finish catching up later and begin shooting.

Everything went smoothly we shot a couple of scenes and they all were great. It was now like 7:00 p.m. and we were all chilling trying to catch up on each other's lives. Megan just got married not too long ago and seemed genially happy. Gabrielle was telling us about her new upcoming TV series "Being Mary Jane" and how proud she was of her man and my homie Dwayne Wade on getting him another ring his basketball career has really been taking off for the better.

"I knew he was going to get a ring but I mean damn where's mine"? Gabrielle said we all laughed at her throwing shade on Dwayne and how long he's taking to purpose to her. I admit they have been together for a good minute now but hey with us men you never know what to expect. He could be planning as we speak, and I'm sure he is Gab holds him down through whatever that nigga goes through.

"Gab be patient Wade got you" I reassured her. "Shit he better pretty soon he ain't gon have no fingers left with all the championships this nigga winning"! Kev said causing all of us but Gab to explode with laughter. LaLa tried to console her in between laughter "Don't worry mama's Wayne know he got a keeper on his hands". "Your right La & Kev say one more thing and I swear I'm flinging your little ass out of this hotel room got that pal"?! "Ohhhh you gon kick me out? Okay I see what this is"! Kev said standing up getting loud.

"Here we go with this" Terrance said rolling his eyes and looking at Kev like he was retarded. "Yea here we go Terrance! Is there a problem you got something to say?" Kev said. This nigga always take shit to heart and blow things up into something that's way bigger. "Relax man" Jerry and Romany said at the same exact time. "I was wondering when the white boy was going to speak up"! Kev said.
I laughed this Lil nigga is something else him and Jerry started going back and forth.

I checked the time on my phone and realized I had to beat Ebony home before 8 o'clock so we could finish our conversation. I got up from the bed and started to say my goodbyes to the crew. "See ya'll tomorrow" I made my way around the room hugging the woman and dapping up the fellas.

"You're leaving already"? Regina asked me. "Yea gotta make it home to the wife" I explained and all the girls Awww'ed and the men Booo'ed. I'll check ya'll tomorrow I said walking out of the hotel.
I can only imagine how this conversation with Ebony is going to go. I can't lie I'm nervous as hell the absolute worse is what I'm thinking.

Nine times out of ten I'm probably right, but damn me being her husband I can't be any closer to Ebony than what I already am. So the fact that she's hiding this from me didn't sit well at all.
It's time for me to take matters into my own hands. As I walked out the hotel building and got in my car I made a phone call. "Wassup man this Mike, I need a background check on somebody can you handle it for me"? She won't speak on her past cool. I know one thing though whatever Ebony is hiding will not stay hidden for long.

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