Chapter 11

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(John POV)

Anybody could've said that the city looked beautiful in the limelight, the stars hanging high like a scene out of a movie.

And just like a scene in a movie where the main lead is running for the person they care about, I was running like that.

Shortened breaths hot against my neck, sweat beading across my brow, and my legs burning from excessive running.

There was rain moments ago, but it had vanished, the water long gone.

But there were so many thoughts swimming through my head. Sera was out of breath, I swear to god.

If she's hurt. My fists clench as my shoe stomps through a puddle the mud licking the corner of my leg.

The lights were flickering, lighting the dampened cement highlighting multiple figures in the distant.

I couldn't make out the figures, was it Sera? The head swiveled in my direction, and the familiar magenta hair shone in the night.

I let out another strangled breath as I approached them finishing my run. My hands instinctively dropping to my knees.

But my chest took a blow, as a body collided with me and wrapped me in a tight embrace.

I glanced down at Sera tucked into my chest and I felt my face curl into a small smile.

I saw familiar faces, Blyke sprawled on the ground bleeding and burnt, Remi on her knees pressing her jacket against Blyke's bloody chest.

Isen with his arms crossed and pacing the floor waiting for me to do something.

Naturally, surveying the absolute stupidity before me, I yelled.

"Tell me, what the fucking hell were you guys thinking?"

"You went off to fight who knows what and you have the fucking audacity to call me?"

"You." I glared at Sera in my arms who looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Don't make me get so fucking worried! And all of you need to stay out of trouble and shit."

I averted my gaze to the bleeding Blyke, and slowed my breathing.

"I can't help him." I muttered glancing down at Blyke, and Remi glared at Sera and Isen.

"Don't worry, just give it a moment John." Sera whispered into my chest and I raised an eyebrow.

I took a knee, pushing Sera gently away from my chest and glancing over Blyke.

"I'm here!" A voice in the distance called and I whirled around to see the cyan haired girl jump over.

Elaine. So that's what she meant by giving it a moment, maybe we could save Blyke. But that wound was deep, and I know that Elaine doesn't feel internal wounds well.

She padded over her feet splashing through the puddles and dashing up to us panting, and she surveyed the scene.

"Oh my god! Is he okay?" She asked in a hushed whisper, and I nearly rolled my eyes.

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