Chapter 24: No Raw Meat

Start bij het begin

"I'm pregnant," I blurted out, looking up to gauge Shane's reaction. He just sat there.

Minutes passed and Shane still sat there, quiet, unmoving. It was getting to be a bit creepy now.

"Shane? You alright?" Declan asked, concern in his eyes. Shane opened his mouth to say something but then shut it again after a moment, continuing to stare.

"Shane?" I said. He opened his mouth again.

"...How?" He asked quietly, before shaking his head. "I mean... I know how I just..." He continued to stare at the table. I looked over at Declan.

"I think we broke him," I said. Declan glanced at me.

"Well, he's certainly handling it a lot better than you did." He said. I shot a dirty look at him.

"Yeah okay, Mr. 'I can't say menstruate without feeling uncomfortable'," I replied. Shane grimaced and shook his head back and forth.

"Okay, no. No, don't." Shane told me, and I laughed. He looked up. "So I'm really getting a cousin?"

"Yes," Declan replied. "Are you... Alright with this?" Shane looked at his uncle incredulously.

"Well I mean even if I wasn't there's not much we could do about it now." Shane laughed. "Why wouldn't I be okay with it? It's great!" I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

"Thank Goddess..." I mumbled quietly, then turned to smile at Declan.

"Can I eat now?" Shane asked. I looked at him and let out a quiet laugh. 

"Yes, go ahead and eat, Poptart," I told him.

"Can we name him something ridiculous? Like Shrek?" He asked, using a fork to play with his food.

"Why Shrek?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not something actually ridiculous. Like Shane, for instance?" Declan replied to him. Shane rolled his eyes in response.

"This is going to be fun," I mumbled.


Evangeline's POV

"Oh my goddess," Quinn squealed. "Look how cute this is!" She held up a tiny baby sweater that read 'Daddy's Little Monster'.

"Fitting," I laughed, rummaging through a box of baby toys. Christie had been kind enough to offer a few of the twins' old baby stuff up to me and Declan once we told everyone the news.

"That's funny," Christie said, folding a baby blanket. "That's exactly what Dylan said when we bought it. You'd think we'd be offended, being werewolves and all." I laughed again.

"This kinda thing makes me impatient for the day that Colin and I will have kids," Quinn said dreamily.

"Don't fret, babe. The day will be here before you know it. Especially for you, Evangeline," Christie said. "Have you made an appointment with the pack doctor yet?"

"Yes, Declan literally could not wait to make an appointment just so we could make sure the baby is doing alright," I grumbled. "He literally made the appointment five minutes after we figured it out. He won't stop talking about it."

"Yep, I remember those days," Christie laughed. "Dylan had been going out of his mind making sure everything was perfect. I hadn't even begun to show yet and he wouldn't allow me to walk down the stairs by myself." 

"Oh great," I mumbled.

"I imagine Declan will be even worse as an alpha. Gotta protect the bloodline," She joked. "Dylan got so bad he would try to eat food off my plate to check for poison, and he's only a beta." Quinn busted out laughing.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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