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The men who Ava assumed were death eaters opened up the cell doors and dragged people out of them. The same man who had watched her strip, opened her cell door, an evil toothy grin on his face as he stood tall in front of her.

"It's time," the man said in a deep voice.

He took a step forward and threw what looked like another white sheet but this one had holes in, a hole for her head and two more for her arms. She pulled it over her head and slipped her arms in, all while the man watched her again.

As soon as Ava was done, the man grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet, pushing Ava out of her cell. There were multiple lines of students she recognised from Hogwarts, her former classmates now walking like soldiers in a dark, damp cell block.

There were multiple levels of cells, more lines of students walking as Ava looked up at the higher levels.

The man pushed her into line and she began walking forward. Ava looked around at the other students in line, trying to see if she could see any of her friends.

It was hard to look as the cell block was lit up by only a few lanterns. But her eyes landed on frizzy brown hair and she saw Hermionie walking with her head down and didn't once peer up from the dirt-covered floor.

Ava's attention was bought back in front of her by the sound of chains. She tried to see what was going on but she couldn't see over the heads. But she could see a large door and two death eaters stood tall, at the end of the line.

Ava began to feel more fearful as she neared the two large men. Was this it? Are they finally killing them all? A big execution or massacre. She thought Voldemort would have wanted to watch.

Ava wasn't scared about dying anymore, she was more scared about having to live every day like this for the rest of her life. Always scared. Always hungry. That's not a life Ava wanted.

Now Ava was close enough she could see they were attaching chains around their wrists and then walking through the large doors.

"Hands." A tall man spoke in front of her causing Ava to look forward once more.

The man had a black cloak on and an eerie-looking mask on. She held out her wrist and two manacles attached to her wrist and a small chain attached to each manacle, so she couldn't move her wrist too far apart.

The man in front of her moved to the side and Ava walked through the large door, following the trail of former Hogwarts students down a long, dark corridor, it almost looked like a cave rather than a corridor. Death eaters stood along the dark stone walls, watching as they walked.

Suddenly, Ava's eyes were met with a bright light and as the light began to fade she saw she was in another corridor. It was dark, the flooring and walls cracked, the window which spread from floor to ceiling had cracks in. She could have sworn she was in Hogwarts. Only it was darker and unpleasant.

Ava and her former classmates walked into a large hall, similar to the great hall. Whereas this one has two windows, just as huge, murky, bland hall with a wooden platform at the front. They are walked in and Ava sees students already filling the room. In lines again and all facing the platform. There were about a hundred students in the large hall, all stood like soldiers.

Ava stands facing the front of the large hall, she can hear small sobs and cries echoing around the room as she awaits her fate. She hears footsteps approaching from behind her but she is too scared to look, but then, Ava sees Voldemort, walking through the middle of the students, with two cloaked men at his side. Voldermort stands on the platform and the two men turn around, their cloak hoods are up but Ava notices the men as Adrian Pucey and Blaise Zabini from Slytherin, only they look older and stronger.

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