Amaya, daughter of Nyx (on hold- Sorry!)

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Chapter One:

"The sky is the limit ... scratch that you set your limitations, the mind and body can do much more than anyone thinks or believes. So when you wake up tomorrow forget your limits because you can always do better." - Zack Merrick.

My senses slowly returned to me. First; touch. That was when I realised how much my every limb ached and that I was lying on something hard. Second; Smell. Something smelled like barbecue, but sweeter. Strawberries? Third; sound. I could hear people murmuring from all around me. Some softy, some frantically. Fourth; taste. My mouth felt as though I had tried to swallow a lump of sand. Fifth; sight. I tried to open my eyes, but when they opened two things simultaneously happened. Whoever was causing the murmurings instantly stopped talking and a sharp pain erupted between my right eye and eyebrow. I quickly closed my eyes again.

I took deep breaths and the pain receded. I opened my eyes again, and the first thing I saw was a boy. He was staring straight at me, and concern plastered his handsome features. His curly brown hair covered his deep dark eyes, in a cute, messy way. His head was shaved except for the top, which looked strangely attractive.

All around me in a loose circle were people in orange t-shirts that read: Camp Half-Blood. Everybody was staring at me and I had no idea how I got there. I tried to think back, but the pain between my right eye and eyebrow erupted again, and this time it was so bad that I bolted upright and covered it with my hands.

After the pain receded once more, I opened my eyes, slowly. Apparently everybody but the boy I noticed before had backed off a few spaces. He just continued to stare at me, if anything he moved closer to where I was lying on the ground. I addressed my question at him. "Where . . . . Where am I?" He looked surprised for a second but his eyes never left mine. "Camp half-blood, it's a camp for the children of the gods and mortals. Heroes. Half-bloods." he answered slowly (he had an insanely attractive, deepish voice), as if expecting I would accuse him of being a liar, but all he did was confirm something I already knew.

Before I could ask another question I head a clip-clop-clip-clop sound, and turned towards the noise. I guess nobody heard the noise, or else they were used to it, but I turned my head in the direction of it. A centaur with the top half of about a forty year old with curly brown hair cantered into the small circle of people surrounding me. He looked shocked. "My dear, are you okay?" he asked, concerned. I shook my head, but that probably wasn't a good idea because there was a falling sensation and I blacked out.

Amaya, daughter of Nyx (on hold!!)Where stories live. Discover now