Not the same

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Hafu was playing with her new puppy outside when the Skeld doors opened. She saw 5up walk out with Fundy.

She ducked next to the wall and listened in.

"I don't know Fundy. I mean, I love you but Hafus my sister. I just-I don't know who to choose," she heard her brother say.

"5up, you can't let Hafu push you around like that! Why should you have to choose?!" Fundy snapped. 5up held the baby fox in his arms while Fundy glared at him.

"Because I have been neglecting her!" 5up shot back in annoyance

"So what? It's my fault?" Fundy asked with his ears perked but anger on his face. 

"I didn't say that at all!" 5up said in a defensive tone

"Well you made it sound like that...." he muttered and looked down

"Fundy. I don't want to fight right now alright. I love you and I'll see you later," 5up said. The fox pinned his ears back and turned on his heel.

5up was cradling the baby fox in his arms and set it down. Hafu walked out from around the corner, pretending she hadn't heard a thing.

5up looked over as his fox ran to greet Hafus golden.

"You name her yet?" 5up asked his twin. She smiled and nodded.

"Luna. I thought it was fitting," she said. Luna ran over and jumped onto 5up.

"Luna down," Hafu said. Luna started to sniff around and the baby fox made a small sound. "What's his name?" She asked.

"Fundy named him Tucker, and he responds so," 5up said. Hafu laughed and the twins watched their pets play together.

"Why can't we be like that anymore?" 5up finally asked. Hafu sighed and stared at the ground.

"Because when we were, you didn't seem to care," she said and patted her side. Luna ran over and Hafu went back into the

A/N-sorry for the short chapter, next one will be normal length

You can't have both(5fu/5undy)Where stories live. Discover now