S m i l e

56 3 9


'I'm happy that I get to see you smile with these eyes of mine'


'Amane kun!'

Upon hearing that familiar sweet  voice my lifeless amber eyes saw you. A bright smile on your face as you greet me, your cream colored hair waved with the wind. You were wearing overalls with a white shirt underneath. You looked neat and cute while I was.......I suppose simple yet messy.

I let out a crooked smile as I wave at you, look I tried my best. You laughed at my attempt as you sat down beside me though your hands were nowhere to be seen. Lifting my head to meet your excited expression. It creeped me out that I had to back away.

'What's wrong with you?'

Suddenly you had a frown once you heard my comment. You made me feel guilty but I still kept my distance. Who knows what would happen.....Your oddly happy presence could suffocate me if I went near.

'Meanie.......Guess making these things for your birthday isn't worth it' You mumbled but I heard one word clearly.


'Birthday? It isn't today right? or did I get the dates messed up again' As I spoke you stared at me in panic and disbelief. Which of course affected me since I can't remember who's birthday it is. I panicked as I tried to search through my memories.

'It's my birthday is that what your saying?' I said so suddenly that it surprised me.

'Eh? What do you mean. I said let's go out together and have some fun....hehe....'

You had your palm pressed against your left eye as you sighed. Your mood suddenly went gloomy which I thought it was my fault and that my stupid memory caused it. Muttering a small 'I'm sorry' as I got closer to you. My eyes wandered into the bright blue sky as I felt your gaze on me. It was calming that I nearly forgot what you were saying.

'So let's go' I said while getting up with me lending a hand to you. As I did that I saw a wrapped box behind you. You started panicking when you saw my amber eyes staring at it which I guessed I wasn't meant to see that. It was a small box but not that small that it looked like the ones used for rings.

"I wonder what was in it? "

Feeling the cool wind brush against my messy raven hair while my hand went warm with you grasping it. I looked down at what I was wearing, it was a plain black hoodie with my favorite jeans. I guess I was decent enough to go out with you.

"Not that I actually realize it this is my first time going out of this building in these past 7 years"


'Nene can we go back? Also I think this "going out" is a bad idea and.....' I was hugging my knees with my head set low. I could hear the sound of the swing moving back and forth. Everything........everything seem to be too much for me. I let you drag me throughout the city, we went through different places but ended up leaving after 10 minutes. My head felt dizzy but I lied being okay because I didn't want you to worry. But of course you saw through me so after lunch we ended up spending most of our time in a empty park. I wanted to have fun but....... I just couldn't.

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