"I'm sorry, I know you're just trying to help," Ria spoke softer this time, with clarity. "I think I just need time. To think. Alone."

"Are you sure? I'm-"

"Yes. I'm sure. Alone time."

I nodded at her request, and scrambled up from my position, walking towards the door. I knew how much she valued alone time and I had every reason to respect it, but I stopped at the door at last second and turned around.

"Just... let me know if you need anything, okay? Food, dessert, a movie night, for me to kick his ass... let me know." Ria's hardened expression finally cracked into what I saw was a hint of a smile, and her head bobbed up and down as an indication of her comprehension.

"I love you, Rora," she whispered quietly, but loud enough for me to pick up on the sentence I'd last expected to hear from her. My reaction must have amused her, since her eyes finally filled with a spark of light that diminished just as fast as it ignited. "I don't want my last I love you to be directed to Colin, so I'm putting it on you."

I exhaled through my nose, and let my smile come naturally. "That's fair. I love you too."


george: (word hunt)

me: (word hunt)

me: haha

george: it was very close though

me: but i still won

george: :(

me: cry about it

george: (word hunt)

george: rematch

me: it's on

me: (word hunt)

me: no fucking way we just tied

george: HAHAHA

george: (word hunt)

me: (word hunt)

george: HA YESSSS

me: you got lucky there

george: i just have skill

me: that's funny

george: >:(

george: are you doing anything rn?

me: no never

me: are you?

george: i mean i should be practicing for dream's manhunt we're recording today

me: ooh you should go practice

me: so you don't lose like you've done before

george: hey :(

me: i'm just saying

me: ant and sapnap carry

george: that was just that one time we made ant get resources

george: and sapnap's just aggressive

me: don't be sour

me: bad is also very good

george: what

me: what?

me: oh

me: you're pretty okay i guess

george: wow </3

me: kidding you all are good, happy?

george: that's much better

george: okay i think i'm going to practice now

me: okay good luck

me: and have fun

george: thanks :]


mom: Hi, is everything okay?

me: yes everything's fine, why?

mom: Ria texted

me: oh

me: saying what

mom: Saying she wasn't feeling well

me: i know

me: she wasn't feeling good this morning

mom: Have you seen her since?

me: no, i've just mainly been in my room and kitchen

me: but i did leave her lunch in front of her door and the next time i checked it was gone so

mom: Oh

mom: That's good, thank you

me: no need to thank me it's what a decent person would do

mom: I know, but I still need to

mom: I wish I were there to comfort her

mom: We did this in high school too when Addie broke up with her

me: i know

me: i wish you were here too

me: you mean letting her stay home for two days while watching tv all day?

mom: She needed it

mom: You and her are both prone to giving more love than you receive

me: why did you just get deep

mom: Because I wanted to?

me: ooookay

mom: Anyways take care of her for me (and yourself too)

me: i will

me: you take care of yourself too

me: along with dad

me: i love you

mom: I love you too

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