Chapter 2

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"There may be fairies, there may be elves, but God helps those who help themselves."

Stephen King, Misery

No matter the time of day, Castle Rock Highschool was a madhouse.

The halls cluttered with students as they each clamored to meet their friends before classes. Penelope pushed her way past a group of jocks throwing paper planes at unsuspecting theater kids. Connie scurried after Penelope as the girls made their way to their lockers. Yesterday's mailbox incident hung like a guillotine's blade over the girls with Connie pleading forgiveness from her annoyed friend. Penelope's mother yelled at her for "failing as the home's protector." As punishment, though she had a sneaking suspicion her mother was reaching for an excuse not to do it herself, Penelope had to clean out the gutters and fell off. The pain from the hidden bruise on her rump only made her more resilient in her dislike for the hoodlums.

"Look, maybe they're not so bad once you get to know them," Connie shrugged, flipping her long, black curls over her shoulder.

"I don't want to know them. I'd rather those Cobras stay far away from me."

"Please, don't hate them," the pretty teenager frowned unhappily. "My friend and my boyfriend can't be enemies!"

Grabbing her books, Penelope slammed her locker shut. "Do you even know his friends though?"

"No one really knows them. Girls aren't allowed to hang with the Cobras."

Penelope raised an eyebrow. "So, he doesn't bring you around them?"

Connie just sniffed distastefully and started walking away, hips swaying each step. A group of juniors leaning against their lockers all followed her figure appreciatively. Disgusted, Penelope ran to catch up, thankful her own conservative clothes often discouraged any unwanted attention. She wouldn't be able to walk straight if people leered at her.

"Has he met any of your friends?" Penelope asked, side glancing at Connie's annoyed frown.

"Well, he met you."

Penelope shrugged. "If him meeting people you care about is important to you then he should be willing to do so."

A speeding freshman cut in front of them, forcing the girls to halt to avoid a collision. Connie faced Penelope, the frown still on her glossy lips. "I wanted him to meet my friends, but he said his only concern is me, not anyone else. That's a sweet thought, right?"

"Not if he's constantly brushing you off."

Connie's eyes drifted towards a beautiful blonde cheerleader with an equally good-looking football player leaning against the wall, a muscled arm propped above her head. They looked so in tune with each other as they talked lowly and smiled adoringly, both lost in stolen moments between classes. Connie sighed, not noticing Penelope secretly stealing a look at the two lovers as well.

"I really like him though," Connie turned away from the two and continued her stride to their class. "Everything good thing doesn't come easy."

Penelope shook her head, adjusting her textbooks in her arms. "Being single is good, and it's easy."

"I'm going to ignore you said that."

They walked in silence for a few moments before Connie nudged Penelope with her hip. "Do you want to hang out tonight? We can eat dinner and head to Nancy Gilligan's party after."

Penelope shook her head. "I better stay home."

"Afraid your mom will be mad?"

"I'm just not in the mood to hang out."

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