chapter 24

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"I didn't use her."
"I know that. I know, I saw you two yesterday. I saw what happened in that hotel room. I have never ever in my life seen you so careful and affectionate with a girl. Like, ever. I know you really like her, maybe even more already, but I do know you are slowly falling for her. She crawled up in your heart when she had a chance and know you are trying to push her away by hurting her. Even the guys agreed on that. And she obviously is falling for you too. She just doesn't want to admit it because she knows too that you're gonna break her heart."
"Josh I simply don't fall in love with people. You don't know me better than I know myself."
"You don't even know."
"Yes I fucking do."
I slammed my hand against his desk.
"I'm done with this talk. I'm going to teach the newbies and then go home. Fuck you and your bullshit."
I slammed the doors behind me and stormed to the room where we train newbies.
I know that voice damn well.
I turned around to see her running after me, she was in the middle of hall while Bryce was at the end of it.
Minute after she approached me. Gosh I just wanna kiss her.
"Jae I-"
"What the fuck are you doing here?!"
"W-what? Why are you so mad?"
"Olivia do you fucking know you have a baby in your stomach and you are standing here in the middle of the one of biggest Mafias in the world?!"
"I-I do. But Bryce had to come here for something and no one else could 'take care of me' so he took me with him. Josh knows about it."
"Go home. Right now. I'm not fucking kidding."
"Why are you acting like this? If anything everyone here wants to protect me. Nothing will happen in five minutes."
"Olivia do you not fucking get a hint?! Go away from me and try to take care of your damn child!"
"I-it's our child."
"I don't want it. I don't wanna do anything with you anymore. I just wanted you for your virginity and to make sure that I can leave you in pain. So get the fuck away from me, and go ask someone else to fuck you. Because I fucked you the ways I wanted and simply used you."
Tears streamed down her face. I hate myself for this. I hate myself that I had to do it. But I had. For her sake.
"Don't talk like that. You know you don't mean that."
"Yes I fucking do. Realize your worth and stop running after guys who don't want you. Get the fuck away from me and don't fucking try to touch me, because you know I wouldn't hit you."
I turned around and walked away. I could hear her sobs through the hall, and Bryce's voice trying to calm her down probably.
But this is for best. For her best.
I'm not a guy who treats girls well, nor a guy who falls for girls. I'm a so-called player.

I stormed in the room and all of newbies turned around to look at me.
"Shut the fuck up, I didn't allow you to talk. And y'all better stop staring before I make sure to kill every single one of you, slowly and painfully."
I stood in the middle of the room looking around and thinking what could we do first.
"Basic. Everyone take a place in shooting area. Others watch and then you'll switch positions."
They quickly rushed and done what I told them to do.
"I'm showing you once. Don't make me have to shownit again. Move."
I pushed a teenage guy, probably around seventeen, picking up his gun.
I explained them what do to and then let them do it.

After, I decided to separate them in groups so they can do more stuff and then switch up, because I don't want to waste much time on them.

"You fucking bastard!"
Josh busted through the doors. Great.
"How could you say that to her?!"
He was yelling really loud, and everyone was looking at us.
"Don't interrupt my fucking training."
It didn't take a moment for his fist to connect with my jaw.
I immediately punched him back, pushing him down on the floor.
I'm pretty sure everyone was trying to find out if they should try to stop us.
We started fighting, punching each other and flipping over every now and then, until someone pulled me up from Josh.
"Calm down you two!"
Blake yelled while he held me and Cooper held Josh.
"What the fuck are you two doing?!"
"You're fighting in front of newbies! It's their first day here!"
"It's not my fault that he walked in and ruined my training."
I said after spitting the blood that was in my mouth on the floor.
"Enough! Both of you! Robert will finish training them both of you can go homes and do not get back here until you are sane again!"
"Get your fucking hands off of me."
I hissed as Blake, pushing his hands off.
"How could you fucking tell her all that stuff?! We literally just talked and you tell her all that! I'm so fucking disappointed, who the fuck you think you are to talk to her again?!"
"I'm Jaden Hossler. You know my name very well. Just like everyone else. I don't fucking care that you're her guardian, I'll do what I wanna do and say what I wanna say."
I pushed past him, my shoulder pushing his before I walked out and sat down in my car.
This whole week is a fucking mess.


"Yes I fucking do. Realize your worth and stop running after guys who don't want you. Get the fuck away from me and don't fucking try to touch me, because you know I wouldn't hit you."
He yelled in my face before turning around and walking away. I can't believe what I just heard.
He just used me. He wanted to take away my virginity. He wanted to come under my skin and then break my heart.
And that's exactly what he got. He got what he wanted.

I started uncontrollably sobbing before I felt familiar arms wrap around me. It was Bryce, I know the smell of my best friend.
"It's okay Liv, it's okay."
He stroked my hair and tried to calm me down while telling me some stuff.
"Come, let's go here."
He walked me somewhere while, but I didn't watch. I just let him lead me.
"Olivia what the fuck?! What the fuck happened?!"
I heard Josh's worried voice just as Bryce walked me in some room.
"H-he just u-used me."
I said before starting to cry even more. He embraced me in the hug while I sobbed in his chest.
Those words hurt so bad. So bad.
"H-he hate-s m-me. I-I'm j-just use-ful-"
"Sh shh sweetie, come sit."
Josh sat on the couch and sat me on his lap.
"Here Liv, drink some water."
Bryce opened me a water bottle and Josh told me to drink a pittle so I can calm down, so I obeyed, knowing them at least wouldn't ever hurt me.
But just as I swallowed water I started coughing, so Josh tapoed my back, trying to help me.
"Sweetie you need to calm down. This isn't healthy."
I shook my head placing it on his shoulder and crying again.
"Listen. What if Bryce drives you home now? I'll call Nessa and Addison over, and then be home before you can even realize it? Hm?"
I just nodded, knowing he still had jobs to finish.
"Okay sweetie, please don't stress. We'll talk very soon okay?"
Bryce picked me up from Josh's lap in bridal style and took me to his car.

"You wanna be in back of front seat?"
He placed me down and buckled up my seat belt.
Few moments after I heard the engine turn on and he started driving.
"Liv, you don't need him. Okay? You're strong independent woman who is soon going to be a mom. Now you need to think about your baby and yourself. Okay?"
"B-but I t-thought we h-had some-thing. H-he told me h-he won't leave m-me and th-that we'll go through t-this to-gether. And now h-he tells me he do-doesn't want the kid. A-after e-everything we w-went thr-ough."
"I know Liv. He does that always. And you are making him soft and he first time in his life caught feelings for somebody. He doesn't want to be vulnerable."
"N-no! B-because if he l-liked me h-he wouldn't h-hurt me."
"Liv you know, people tend to hurt people they love the most. Because they get scared."
"He doesn't l-love me. N-nor like me. H-he just used me."
"Shh, try to sleep until we get back home, okay?"
I feel asleep with tears streaming down my face. But it's the easiest to fall asleep when you're crying.

A/N Let's just cancel Jaden, shall we?

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