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Tw this chapter contains abuse.

I woke up in my so called bed, it was just two blankets and a pillow on the floor. I did the usual my skincare and put on some lip balm. I tied my brown, wavy hair into a ponytail and checked once more in the mirror to see if I was tidy enough to go downstairs. No one was up when I went downstairs so I cooked breakfast laid out all the cutlery and brewed coffee and made some tea.

Then I heard my father, mother and sister walk down the stairs. I looked at myself once more wiping some flour off as I made my sister pancakes. I'm basically like a maid to them I cook, clean and get ordered around but I'm not a maid I'm their daughter. I put on the fake smile as they all greeted each other and completely ignored me. "Annalee get the mail!" My father said in a stern voice. I nodded my head and collected the mail as I picked up the mail I saw there was a letter for me.
Annalee Morris
98 Lake Lane
West Yorkshire

I turned it around and the seal contained a crest which had a lion, snake, badger and a eagle. I hid it in the washing I need to take upstairs to put away I walk into the dining room and place the mail down on the tray I clean up after everyone and help myself to the scraps.

I ran upstairs not forgetting the washing I didn't notice but I dropped my sisters favourite shirt and it went into the cats litter box. I opened the letter and it read:

Dear Ms. Morris, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31. Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress.

My eyes widened in shock another letter fell on the floor which had a list of what I need. A wand? Oh so I'm actually a witch! I held in my squeal and hid everything into a little box before my father stormed into the room grabbing me by the neck he bellowed that I was stupid and clumsy and ungrateful for throwing my sisters shirt into the cats litter box. I tried to explain myself but that only resulted in a kick in the stomach and a throw at the wall I crumbled to the floor and curled myself into a ball.

After a couple of minutes I scrambled to the bathroom and took a cold bath because my parents took the hot water tap off the bath. Once I put myself in I saw all the marks and scars they left me. If this letter is true and so is the school I'll be so glad to get out of here. I thought. After drying myself off and getting changed into some "fresh" clothes they were basically my sisters old clothes I made myself presentable and cooked tea for my family.

I cleaned and made lunch for my father and sister and my father has to work and my sister goes to school. I made a plan in my head to escape and try and find more information about the school.

I put my plan in action I grabbed my father's debit card and my mothers train card, which she uses to get anywhere for free, I got a bag and packed some spare clothes. I plan to slip some sleeping pills in my mothers drink when she requests one.

I stumbled up stairs tired from all the work and rested my head on my pillow tomorrow is going to be a thrilling day...

[word count: 645 words]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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